Chapter 53: To teach you how to be a younger brother

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Qiao Yang's words: Do you care so much about his living with me?

Asked deliberately.

Gu Ye's fierce reaction to Su Cheng made him understand something.

But he also wanted to confirm that only by confirming that the thoughts in his mind are 100% certain can he stabilize his mind. From then on, he faced Gu Ye with the correct attitude.

Gu Ye's expression was serious and sincere, and his eyes were too focused and hot. The arms around him were so strong that he couldn't break free.

Qiao Yang immediately guessed what Gu Ye was going to say next, and confirmed the thoughts that had been floating in his heart.

The beating heart and blank brain made him wonder what to do.

He held his breath and looked at Gu Ye blankly, waiting for him to say the next few words.

At this time, the flying steel spoon hurt Gu Ye and awakened Qiao Yang.

As if escaping from the restraint of high pressure and tension, he breathed heavily.

But now, he is facing another tense situation.

Gu Ye's face was gloomy to the extreme.

He let go of Qiao Yang, bent over and picked up the heavy steel spoon that was more than a foot long on the ground. He held it in his hand and glanced coldly at the man standing in the restaurant.

The last time I had a fight with others was when my father passed away, and he raised his fists in front of a few strange children in his uncle's family.

Since then, he seems to have grown from a child to an adult overnight.

He has learned to manage emotions, and can maintain a mature and calm attitude in front of others under any circumstances, maintaining etiquette and demeanor.

But now, he lost his mind.

He weighed the weight of the steel spoon and raised his hand in the direction of the restaurant to throw it out.

"Hey hey hey!"

Qiao Yang hurriedly stepped forward and hugged his arm, held the steel spoon tightly, and stopped: "What do you want to do?"

Gu Ye's low voice was filled with anger: "He did it first, he did it on purpose."

Just now, he was beaten by Su Cheng when he grabbed Qiao Yang's wrist in the corridor.

Su Cheng could not see him touching Qiao Yang, his thoughts and intentions can be imagined.

He, Su Cheng also wanted to possess Qiao Yang.

He didn't want to pretend anymore, his whole body exuded hostility.

Staring at Su Cheng's eyes was the most blatant desire to attack, and it was the wildest instinct when the beast faced an invasion from outside.

As soon as Qiao Yang looked at Gu Ye's appearance, the heart that was beating wildly just now sank.

He pulled Gu Ye vigorously: "You calm down, don't make trouble, come and sit down and have something to say."

He turned around and blamed Su Cheng: "Brother, so are you, why are you throwing things around?"

Su Cheng stood in the restaurant waving his hands, smiling harmlessly: "Oh, sorry, my hands slipped."

Gu Ye exhaled deeply because of his appearance. He dumbly said to Qiao Yang, "You go out for a while, I have something to tell him."

Qiao Yang shouted: "No!"

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