Chapter 72: Jealous? Then I coax you?

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Gu Ye's eyes only swept away, but it was enough to make Shang Hua cold and daunted.

He understood the meaning in Gu Ye's eyes too well, it was vigilance and jealousy under the control of possessiveness.

Qiao Yang just asked him for an autograph, and he could make Gu Ye, who had always been able to control himself, show such a look on the spot.

It shows how possessive he is towards Qiao Yang.

This is a great irony to myself trying to find a glimmer of hope.

Five years ago, when he had just made his debut, he received a big announcement for him at the time-the spokesperson of the Gu Group's real estate.

That was the first time he saw Gu Ye.

A 22-year-old young man who is similar to his age and has not even graduated from college is already a young president who can lead a group enterprise.

He is gentle and handsome, but his words are strong and domineering that cannot be ignored.

The time to get along was only two hours, and he didn't say more than five sentences, but he was deeply in awe, admired, and even wanted to surrender to him.

But at that time, he was just an 18-line star.

There is no qualification to stand shoulder to shoulder with such a young president from a wealthy background.

Therefore, in the past five years, he has worked hard to improve himself, hoping that one day he can be dressed in dazzling starlight, even when standing in front of Gu Ye will not be overshadowed, and come back to him again.

However, he got a thunderbolt of news: Gu Ye is going to shoot MTV for his boyfriend.

However, five years of bitter secret love became a trivial joke under the eyes that Gu Ye had just swept past.

The jealousy, sorrow, and sorrow in Shang Hua's heart were gradually replaced by another dark emotion.

He turned to look at Qiao Yang.

Although Qiao Yang was smiling at him, there was a fierce and arrogant expression between his eyes.

It is the waywardness and pride that a wealthy young master should have.

Gu Ye, a man with a strong desire to control, would definitely not need a disobedient partner like Qiao Yang.

Qiao Yang is handsome and talented, and the conditions of the Qiao family and the Gu family are probably the reasons why Gu Ye likes Qiao Yang.

But the two people who don't fit in together will eventually break up. He didn't mind burning another fire between the two.

Shang Hua softened his attitude towards Qiao Yang thinking about this, and spoke a lot more modestly:

"It is Shanghua's honor to be liked by Shao Qiao. If Shao Qiao is willing, I will give you my private number. If you ask me to do anything in the future, I will accompany you."

To get the idol's private number can get huge satisfaction and vanity for fans.

Shang Hua doesn't mind satisfying these desires of the wayward young master.

Sure enough, Qiao Yang smiled more happily, and said: "Give me your private number? That's really... great."

After that, he leaned back on the sofa in a comfortable mood, and put one hand on the back of the sofa naturally behind Shang Hua.

But his sitting posture looked like Shanghua sitting in Qiao Yang's arms in the eyes of Gu Ye who was diagonally opposite.

They both smiled and looked at each other again, seemingly close together.

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