Chapter 73: I feed you

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Qiao Yang probably understood what Gu Ye was talking about.

But now it was too sudden that he was not prepared, and both of them were stimulated by Shang Hua on the impulse, before they had the idea.

In any case, now is not a good time.

More importantly, he does not yet have a general concept of this kind of thing.

Should I go?

What about the process?

What needs to be prepared?

How can he satisfy Gu Ye?

Qiao Yang was slightly worried.

Gu Ye saw that he didn't answer, so he kissed him again.

Biting and sucking on the delicate skin between people's necks, stubbornly wanting to leave a mark on people.

Qiao Yang pushed him and warned in a low voice: "I have to go home soon, and I will participate in a performance at a business exchange meeting tomorrow. Don't leave me a mark."

Gu Ye stopped, looked at him and asked in a low voice, "Don't want others to see it?"

After speaking, he grabbed both sides of Qiao Yang's placket with both hands and pulled hard, and the buttoned shirt was forcibly torn. With a few "bangs, bangs", a few small transparent buttons jumped to the floor, making an unclear sound.

There was no clothing to cover, and the man's fair and soft skin was exposed.

Qiao Yang was taken aback by Gu Ye's recklessness. He tried to sit up, "You, what are you doing?"

Gu Ye pressed him tighter, and said in a low voice, "If you print it here, others won't be able to see it."

After speaking, he buried his head in the man's not-so-wide chest, Gu Ye was still squeezing his anger, and he used a little more force than last time.

Qiao Yang unconsciously hugged his head buried in front of his chest, muffled: "'t..."

"...Don't bite!"

Qiao Yang was hurt by him and couldn't push him.

I can only twist him angrily, and pinch him forcefully when he catches a piece of meat on his neck or arm.

Feeling Qiao Yang's anger, Gu Ye's movements softened, and he bit softly, softly. Gentle and abrasive.

Qiao Yang's tense nerves gradually relaxed, and then they were replaced by another feeling.

Since the last time I was with Gu Ye, Qiao Yang discovered that some parts of his body that he usually didn't care about had strange reactions when Gu Ye touched him.

It makes his breathing heavier and makes his whole body in a state of desire. Even thinking will be affected, the feeling that is controlled.

Gu Ye's leg deliberately rubbed him, with a low tone that couldn't be rejected: "...say, you are mine."

Qiao Yang instinctively wanted more control. He gave a hmm, with a slight trembling in the ending: "...I am yours."

Gu Ye's movements became lighter.

He possessed and kissed Qiao Yang's increasingly blurred eyes, rosy cheeks, and soft lips, and one hand proficiently pushed the metal buckle away from the man's waist.


Gu Ye had a good meal when he was at home alone. Basically, Geng Hui ordered him a nutritious dinner in his private kitchen after get off work.

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