Chapter 87: Gu Ye, I love you

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Qiao Yang's speculation was not wrong. After half an hour, dozens of edited photos of him and Mo Yu quickly spread on the Internet.

The photo was taken when he went to Mo Yu's residence. The two of them walked out of the apartment building together, got in Qiao Yang's car together, and entered the clubhouse together. Also, when he went to help Mo Yu just now, he held him with one hand. Arm's.

In the absence of any factual explanation, a few edited pictures can trigger countless associations and make people guess the relationship between the two at will.

Especially when someone is behind you.

Several hot posts and hot search notes have gradually increased:

#新人 singer莫雨的金主爸爸#


#乔家三少爷 used to go to the Gu Group to declare relations with a high profile#

# Is Gu Ye using Qiao Yang to increase the bargaining chip, or Qiao Sanshao's two boats. #


Netizens' comments tend to be one-sided under intentional guidance.

[Isn't it said that the third young master of the Qiao family is dating the president of Gu's family? I actually had a little lover, I was blind, I was wrong about him, I thought it was a sunny and handsome young master, but he was also a scumbag! 】

[People have money to raise a little lover, what's wrong with a singer? The rich and powerful young masters want to play and play. 】

[Upstairs is the rich man licking the dog. If you have money, you can go offline without morality, and you can step on two boats? What three views! 】

[Maybe the young master and the singer were originally a pair. Now who doesn't know that the internal struggle of the Gu clan is fierce, and it is not impossible for the Gu clan president to use the Qiao family to increase his influence. 】

[Ah, it's because I didn't know it. It turns out that there is a real-life family marriage. 】

[It's sad to think about it, it's all for profit, there is no love at all. 】

【sad? It's not a good thing, a stray young master, a president who can only profit by any means, and a little star who clings to power. 】


Being manipulated to keep rising is the entry, which spread quickly. Insiders who were already sensitive to public opinion quickly got the news.

The unsuspecting Qiao family, Gu family was killed by surprise.


Qiao Jin kept calling Qiao Yang but couldn't get through. She was so anxious that she wanted to drop the table.

Qiao Zhen's frustrated contacts withdrew hot search, pressed the entry, and cursed: "Who tm is behind the old third man, this time I joined the Gu family and the Qiao family together. I don't want to die!"

Qiao Jin was worried: "It should have been done by Gu's Li Chen gang, because now that the fierce struggle is now spreading public opinion about the youngest and Mo Yu, Gu Ye is not going to be pornographic."

Qiao Zhen gritted his teeth: "In order to harm Gu Ye, even the reputation of our third child is also stepped on. Those who don't know the truth will mention the name of the third child, and they will say that he is a man with two boats."

Qiao Tiancheng is the most calm: "The most important thing is that this matter will affect the two of them. This matter has just started to fall in love. I am afraid that when the facts are clarified, there will be lumps in each other's hearts."

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