Chapter 52: Because, I like...

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Qiao Yang was holding a big green-skin watermelon in his arms, and Qiao Sheng carried a supermarket bag full of food in both hands. The two of them walked and talked about what to do when they went home.

Because it was not too close, and there were many cars in the parking lot, Qiao Yang did not find Gu Ye here.

When Gu Ye saw the two talking and laughing, his brain blasted and his blood rushed up.

The laughter and expectation disappeared, but replaced by the possessive desire and the desire to attack.

Intuition told him that this man had an unusual relationship with Qiao Yang.

This feeling was completely different from what he felt when he saw Mo Yu.

Because of this man, no matter his looks, his aura, Qiao Yang's attitude towards him and the look in his eyes are a huge threat to him, giving him a sense of urgency instinctively.

Who is he? Qiao Yang's friend?

Gu Ye's first reaction was to rush forward and ask Qiao Yang.

But in a vague way, I heard Qiao Yang call him: Brother.

The voice is soft, with a slightly rising tail, and full of dependence.

Gu Ye suddenly stopped.


He suddenly remembered that when he and Qiao Yang had not known each other long, Qiao Yang was drunk once.

He cried like a helpless child and fell asleep deeply. He couldn't help but hugged Qiao Yang, and Qiao Yang called him in his dream: Brother.

Same as this tone.

So, Qiao Yang was calling this man that night? !

Suddenly, the blood rushing to the brain gradually faded under the strong will of the master.

Gu Ye calmed down.

It's just this calmness, which is the calmness of humans and animals when their cells and nerves are in extreme tension when facing powerful enemies.

He carefully observed the man walking beside Qiao Yang, and his brain gradually got an impression of this face after regaining his sanity and remembered his name.

---Su Cheng? !

He met Su Cheng once in an officially organized meeting, but he didn't talk about it at the time, or Su Cheng didn't bother to talk to him.

Gu Ye stared at them in disbelief.

Why would Qiao Yang walk with someone like Su Cheng and call him his brother?


Qiao Yang didn't know who Su Cheng in City A was last night. Are the two of them so close now? !

The alertness and doubts reached their limit, Gu Ye couldn't wait to shout: "Qiao Yang!"

Unlike the past soft voice, thick, short, and powerful words echoed in the vast and boundless parking lot.

Gu Ye? !

Qiao Yang heard the familiar voice, but his heart jumped suddenly. It seemed that after last night, he felt different about Gu Ye.

He looked back and followed the voice.

When he saw Gu Ye striding towards them, he suddenly became nervous.

He asked: "Gu, Gu Ye? Didn't you go to the company this time?"

Gu Ye didn't have the previous smile on his face, and after humming with Qiao Yang, he asked directly: "If I guessed correctly, this is Su Cheng?"

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