Chapter 74: Like a prince held up high

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When I wake up in the morning. Qiao Yang was lying in bed and didn't want to get up.

Especially the feeling that the naked body is closely attached to the soft and comfortable bedding, people just want to sink into the warm bedding for a lifetime.

He lay on the bed and looked around at his surroundings. It was obviously the first time he slept at Gu Ye's house, but he didn't feel like he was alive.

Because the surrounding smell is familiar and warm---Gu Ye's smell.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning, so you don't need to think about it to know that Gu Ye has gone to the company.

In fact, half asleep and half awake, he seemed to dream that Gu Ye kissed his forehead before leaving, and said softly: Good morning, baby.

He touched his forehead, and the touch of Gu Ye's soft lips still remained on his skin.

Not a dream.

This can be considered a good morning kiss, and Qiao Yang shrank under the covers and smiled.

After gradually waking up, he felt thirsty, and when he looked up, he saw a bottle of water on the bedside. Just like the last time I was in the hotel, there was a sticky note written to him by Gu Ye under the water bottle.

Qiao Yang twisted the water to drink while holding a small piece of paper to read:

Baby, I'm going to the company first.

Next to the pillow is a new set of clothes and a new mobile phone for you. Breakfast is in the restaurant. Remember to eat when you wake up. Lunch will be delivered at 12 noon.

I leave Geng Hui at home for you, if you have anything you want him to do. I will also attend the business exchange meeting tonight. If you don't have to go back to Qiao's house and wait for me at home, let's go to participate again.

ps: My signature is on the back of your new phone, and it has been coated with a permanent protective film.

----Gu Ye.

After reading the last line, Qiao Yang almost didn't spray out a mouthful of water.

He coughed twice and laughed. Squinting, he saw a silver mobile phone lying on the pillow next to Gu Ye's neatly stacked clothes.

The phone is the same as his original one. At the corner of the silver back shell, two words were written with a black signature pen: Gu Ye.

The pen is sharp, vigorous and powerful.

Just by looking at it, you can feel the overbearing full of sworn sovereignty.

Just because he asked for Shang Hua's autograph last night, Gu Ye got him a signature mobile phone today. This possessive expression is too naive.

The corners of Qiao Yang's mouth are about to rise to the sky: This man, he really doesn't have to worry at all.

With a smile in his eyes, he stroked Gu Ye's name with his fingers, thinking: Fortunately, it was written in the bottom corner when he picked it up.

It would be really shameful if it was written in the center without being seen by others.

Qiao Yang just opened the door of the room and went out. Geng Hui, who had been waiting outside, greeted him:

"Young Master Qiao, you are up. Mr. Gu has prepared breakfast for you, do you want to use it now?"

The attitude is more respectful and serious than Axing.

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