Chapter 50: The third child recognized them as a wild brother?

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It was late at night when Su Cheng arrived at S City. He asked the other brothers to go to the hotel to rest first, and went to the bar on the third floor of Yemei alone.

After ordering a glass of wine, drinking slowly while looking at the phone, the screen was empty and no one called him.

He didn't expect anything. But every time I sit here, there is a sense of unreality that feels like a world away, as if he can see Yang Yang playing the piano as soon as he looks up.

Five years ago, he was incurable and left the original world.

In order not to make Yang Yang sad, he lied to him that he was just going to another world to live well.

He also said that one day the two brothers will meet in that world.

Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes again, he really came into this world.

While he felt unbelievable, he also felt it was a secret arrangement.

Because he saw Qiao Zhen and Qiao Yang brothers in this world, exactly like him and Yang Yang.

There is also the decoration pattern of the bar here, and even the shape of the black wooden wine rack at the back is exactly the same as the original bar.

Too many coincidences made him feel as if Yang Yang would really come here.

Therefore, he couldn't help but quietly observe Qiao Yang, the third son of the Qiao family, but he was disappointed time after time.

Because Qiao Yang in this world is far from his Yang Yang.

But Zhao Yu told him just now that Qiao Yang could easily throw him over the shoulder.

It is impossible for Qiao Yang, the third son of the Qiao family, whom he has known about these years to have that strength.


He expects, but dare not expect.

He wrote the phone number of the bar he used to operate in the world on his business card and asked Xie Liang to send it to Qiao Yang.

That number is an auspicious number chosen by the brothers. If he is Yangyang, you can guess who he is just by seeing the numbers written on it.

If he is not...

Also good.

It shows that Yangyang is still living well in the original world. With his strength, he should have released many albums and won many awards.

It's a pity that he can't hear Yangyang's songs in this world.

At this moment, the cell phone lying quietly on the black painted bar suddenly rang.

Su Cheng sighed suddenly when he saw that the caller was Li Feng.

He is really shocked.

He answered the phone and asked, "What's the matter?"

Li Feng: "Brother Cheng, Li Songran, who contacted us some time ago, came up again just now. He said that as long as we can help him, he is willing to sell us his life."

Su Cheng put down his wine glass and said faintly, "Sell us your life? Then what he wants to change is too big."

"Don't worry, this person can't become a climate."

Li Feng: "But, I think what he wants to change may have something to do with the Qiao Group. He might... want to avenge the Qiao family."

When Li Feng saw that Brother Cheng was so caring about the young master of Qiao's family, they deliberately investigated the affairs of Cha Qiao's family.

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