Chapter 23: Can you teach me what to do between friends (2)

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 In his remarks, he had no intention of rejoicing.

But anxious to get angry.

Anxiously want to suppress all speeches and clarify the facts for Qiao Yang.

Because... he was afraid that Qiao Yang would be wronged.

Therefore, he can only give up Qifengtai, this is the only way to help Qiao Yang clarify in this situation.

Just a piece of land, don't let it go!


After Qiao Yang handed over the surveillance video, surveillance equipment and work to Qiao Jin, he left the company holding his computer.

He was relaxed, with brisk steps.

Because he finally doesn't have to get up early to go to work, and he can have a lot of time every day to create and write songs.

If the song with Qiao Yang's name could be allowed to spread to every corner of the world, to the ears of Qiao Sheng who might be here.

Then Qiao Sheng can find him, and the two brothers can get together one day.

He hummed a brisk song all the way home.

The elevator doors opened slowly.

What greeted him was a man standing straight.

----Gu Ye.

Gu Ye is also wearing the suit in the video, standing tall and handsome.

It's just that he didn't have the gentle and elegant temperament he had in the past. Standing tall in front of the elevator, his face seemed to have a certain persistent persistence.

Gu Ye looked straight at him, the peach blossom eyes that had always been estranged at this moment were as intense and hot as a fire.

Qiao Yang's heart beat for no reason.

He smiled and walked out of the elevator: "Gu, President Gu, why are you here?

Gu Ye's complicated state of mind became calm when he saw Qiao Yang walk out.

He looked at Qiao Yang, Taohua's eyes were deep and bright, he opened his mouth lightly, and uttered two words: "Waiting for you."

The two characters are deep and dumb, making people think about it.

Qiao Yang coughed fiercely.

He thought of that hot search again.

#乔氏三少爷 is crazy for love, hundreds of millions of land resources give up#

Qiao Yang became nervous inexplicably.

Would Gu Ye feel that he deliberately gave Qifeng Terrace to him?

He will not misunderstand like those on the Internet, will he? !

Realizing that Qiao Yang was shocked, he quickly explained: "Mr. Gu, don't get me wrong about Qifengtai. I am because of..."

"I know."

The man recovered his indifferent, peach blossom eyes deep and calm.

He interrupted Qiao Yang's explanation with a chuckle: "This is the surprise Qiao gave me, thank you."

Qiao Yang was stunned.

There was a slight smile in the eyes of the man in front of him, and his deep eyes gleamed with fine light, full of expectation.

These days the two will meet from time to time and have drunk twice. The two are already familiar with each other.

But Gu Ye in front of him seemed to have seen it for the first time.

----Very real and gentle.

Gu Ye deliberately suppressed his emotions, speaking more calmly than usual, not hurried or slow, not impatient or impatient.

But he can bring others into his rhythm and gradually grasp the initiative.

He said: "However, I don't know how to repay the surprise Qiao Shao gave."

"You may not know, that piece of land was originally intended for you, but you gave it to me first."

Qiao Yang:? ? ?

From Gu Ye's expressions and words, Qiao Yang vaguely felt that something would happen.

He thumped in his heart and hurriedly stopped him.

"No! No! I didn't give it to you, but Joe couldn't ask for that piece of land. There was a problem with that piece of land."

Qiao Yang replied: "Isn't Mr. Gu abandoned the bid because he felt that there was a problem?"

The eyes are clear and clear, without any distractions.

Gu Ye looked at him with dark and deep peachy eyes, opened his lips lightly, and answered in a low voice, "No."

Qiao Yang panicked: "No, isn't it?"

What does Mr. Gu mean?

Gu Ye sensed Qiao Yang's vigilance and guard.

He warned himself: don't worry.

He laughed, and put his hands in his pockets naturally, looking relaxed and relieved.

"I said, I and Qiao Shao are good friends. My friend is caught in such rumors and has a relationship with me. I can't ignore it."

Gu Ye shrugged his shoulders casually, his brother's boldness: "So I don't want that piece of land either."

Gu Ye did not misunderstand, Qiao Yang was relieved.

But also shocked.

Gu Ye could actually give up such a big benefit for his friends.

He remembered that he had to pay a deposit of more than one million for abandoning the bid.

But Gu Ye took the photo and abandoned the bid, and the compensation and deposit to be paid were tens of millions!

Qiao Yang didn't know what to say, he was as angry:

"How can you do this! Those rumors have been suppressed, but your loss is too great. Not only is Qifengtai gone, you also..."

Qiao Yang anxiously didn't know what to say, and felt that he was injuring Gu Ye.

"You, you can't be like this even as a friend!"

"Sorry...I won't be like this anymore," Gu Ye said.

"Because you are my first friend. So I don't know how friends get along."

His tone became weaker, but he was extremely soft: "In the future, Shao Qiao can teach me what to do with friends?"

He dropped his head slightly, like a big boy who didn't know what to do.

But there is a subtle cunning hidden in the drooping eyes.

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