Chapter 92: I want to hear about Gu Ye's childhood

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Because of the harvest last night, Qiao Yang and Mo Yu were much more relaxed during the day.

They wandered around as they pleased. They found popular Western music records in the 70s and 80s in an old CD shop in Shibuya. There were many treasures that were out of print for a long time. The two were satisfied.

Qiao Yang bought a variety of special desserts at the underground Osouchi shop in the station. He bought lacquer bowls, chopsticks, ceramic cups, wine glasses, Ukiyo-e folding fans, Japanese style yukatas, wind chimes, etc. Of small objects.

It's just that they are all in duplicate.

Mo Yu asked him: "You just buy these little things for Gu Ye, don't you buy an expensive surprise gift?"

Qiao Yang smiled and said, "These are very good."

Mo Yu suggested: "It's still early, should we go to another place?"

Qiao Yang asked: "Where to go?"

Mo Yu smiled: "When you get there, you will understand."

When Mo Yu took him into a building in Akihabara, Qiao Yang watched the layers of alternative goods instantly refreshed his perception and opened the door to a new world.

He is too insightful.

He never knew that all men and men's products could have such a variety of categories.

Mo Yu was a little embarrassed: "The last time I came here to participate in an event with the company's seniors, I wanted to come here for a stroll. It's just not too embarrassing."

Qiao Yang: ...You will be embarrassed to follow me.

He finally knew the reason why Mo Yu wore so popular.

A gray plaid shirt, jeans, black-framed eyes and slightly longer hair cover a face, which looks exactly like the otaku on the streets of Akihabara.

This costume was buried in the dazzling, weird shame goods, and no one would notice him.

Therefore, Mo Yu was really serious. There is a long one on the left hand and a round one on the right, and I carefully watched the instructions and usage.

They are more focused than studying music scores.

Qiao Yang: ...You are like Mo Yu! !

And he is different.

He is tall and dressed in Prada's new shirt and trousers this year, fashionable and dazzling.

Coupled with the original arrogant temperament, he is a high-profile target wherever he goes, let alone in such a special commodity environment.

Qiao Yang only felt that all his eyes were swept over him. After all, he was still in the enlightenment stage and was rather shy. With his head down, he did not dare to look at the people and commodities around him.

Carefully raised his head and glanced to the side, but he was winking at the last coquettish newhalf.

Qiao Yang backed away in shock. But accidentally bumped into a person, and turned her head to a beautiful big sister with slightly curly hair.

He quickly apologized: "sorry."

The beautiful sister suddenly flashed big eyes and smiled like a flower: "どうも~"

The voice is rough and dumb.

The Adam's apple is bigger than his.

Qiao Yang: tat

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