Just rel-AXE!

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Tick. Tock.

Tick. Tock.

The noise of the clock ticking was the only thing Lightbulb could hear. Of course, she was alone, in her- no, scratch that. The, SHARED room that was currently devoid of anyone except her.

Not that she minded that is. It didn't bother her that much, or maybe was it because she was just staring into space?

A knock at the door cut her out of her trance, then a creak, then footsteps on the soft carpet below her

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A knock at the door cut her out of her trance, then a creak, then footsteps on the soft carpet below her.

"Hey Lightbulb. It's kinda dark in here. You know that Test Tube says doing this is going to ruin your eyesight." Paintbrush scolded her in a soft tone.

"Oh don't worry about me, Painty! Im fine! Ive just been staring at my axe over there, so rel-AXE!"

Lie. That was a cold, hard, lie. She wasn't doing well, not very well at all.

"The axe from last Halloween? In the dark

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"The axe from last Halloween? In the dark..?" Paintbrush sighed "Are you sure your fine?"

"Of course Painty! Im the brightest of them all, of course!"

Well.. maybe SOME of it was true. But other than that, the smiley, bright facade she's been putting on since the.. wait, when was it again?.. Nevermind.

Everything got to her. All those insults, the crappy sarcasm from others, hell, even Test Tube said she "alWayS hAd iT hEr WaY" .

It wasn't true... right?

No, don't be silly. It is true.

"Alright then ya weirdo, i'll leave you alone." Paintbrush replied, leaving the room.

Lightbulb sighed after hearing rhe door close and shut with a click. Intrusive thoughts bombarded her mind.



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