Grieving, a horrible thing, really.

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Quick mention, Right Cherry is Chee and left cherry is Rié, go by they/he pronouns 👍 (ALSO THANKS BUGS YOU GAVE ME THE IDEA OF CHERRIES BEING CONNECTED BY THE ARM)


Test Tube slammed her 4th cup of coffee on the table in frustration.

Seriously, investigating is hard. She should know, she's doing that right now. Pursing her lips, she swung her feet at the edge of her chair, rubbing her forehead trying to get rid of this absolutely terrible headache.

She didnt know what to do, the murderers on the loose, its been 30 minutes since her 8th mental breakdown, and she has 2 hours before sunrise. Great.

Absolutely perfect! Amazing! Just what she needed!

"Think, Test Tube.. think! What would Fan do?" She pouted in annoyance and opened her eyes a crack to see tons of crumpled up papers on the floor.

They WERE evidence notes, but they were quickly debunked after a bit of simple mathing.

Well crap.

Looking at the clock, she stood up rom her chair and exited her lab. No use staying if all your going to do is feel upset about your boyfriend's death, right?

Shuffling over the the door to hotel OJ, she debated walking in through the door (like a NORMAL person).Would that raise suspicion?

She held her hand over the doorknob, hesitating and looking at the night sky. Groaning in annoyance, she jogged over to the nearby (still open.. how odd) window to her and Lightbulb's shared room.

Struggling, she managed to get in and fall on the floor with a thud. Shooting upright, she scrambled to fix her glasses, spending a few seconds too many doing so as she kept making them lopsided.

Peaking over the bed, she sighed in relief as Lightbulb was still fast asleep, small snores escaping her mouth.

"...typical 'Bulby. Hope I didn't wake her up.." Test Tube chuckled and got under the covers of her own bed.


Rays of sunshine peaked through the cracks in the windows of Hotel OJ, waking up some of the residents.

Lightbulb slowly got up from the covers, shivering as the cold of the air conditioning hit her. She debated getting back under her warm, weighted blankets and going back to sleep for a few hours.

Glancing around, she noticed her roommate asleep, hair everywhere in weird ways. Kinda adorable and hilarious, if you asked her.

She rubbed her eyes and reached for the glass of water on her bedside, wincing in pain once she stretched her arm too much.

Looking at her shoulder, she stood up and walked to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

After glaring at her reflection, she finished the bandage job and walked out the room, setting an alarm for Test Tube that would blare in 30 minutes.

After stepping out of the room, she overheard a conversation a few ways away in the hallway.

"Whats wrong? You seem upset. Is it about?-"

"Yes, yes it is okay?! I just.. I wish I could've said sorry before she went missing. That thought has been on my mind recently. Would she even forgive me?"

"Oh.. well, Im sure that she knows you didn't mean to be that harsh. Im sure if you two ever meet again, once you apologize and try to make up for everything, she won't hold a grudge."

"Yeah. What he said!"

"..are you two trying to say she held a grudge over-"

"Wh- no no! I didn't mean it like that at all I!-"

"Nah, dont worry about it. Was just trynna make a joke. Jeez Balloon, are you THAT dense?"

"Hey, thats mean."

"Sorry, sorry."

Peaking over the edge of the door, she saw a white haired person and two, shorter ones. Looks like Balloon, Baseball, and Nickel. Smirking, she walked over to the 3.

"Hey guys! What'cha talkin' about?" She crossed her arms and lifted an eyebrow teasingly.

"Oh! Hey Lightbulb! We're just chatting over here. Your up early." Baseball had his hands on his hips, matching the energy she gave off.

"Ha! Well, you know what they say! Im a surprise for sure, eh?" She jabbed Baseball's elbow in a playful manner. Earning a few chuckles from the other two.

"Say.. what time is it anyway? I didn't really check." She yawned, stretching her arms and spinning around cheerfully, before stopping and clutching her head in dizziness.

"Uhh.. 6:30? Yeah. 6:30 somethin'." Nickel took a glimpse at the clock and pressed his lips into a firm line, giving her a sort of 'Resting Bitch Face' look, atleast thats what Fan would say.

"Hm.. yeesh! That IS early! Im gonna go see if Painty's up. Have fun doing whatever you 3 like doing! Byeeee!" She ran off towards Paintbrush's room, earning 2 cheery goodbyes and 1 more nuetral sounding one.

Arriving at Paintbrush's dorm, she slowly opened it and peaked through to see Paintbrush and the Cherries.

'Hm. They seem busy.. oh well! I guess I'll go back to bed then.'


"..hey, are you alright? Rié fell asleep already and you havent."

"...I miss YinYang."

Paintbrush frowned and glanced over at the two. They felt sorry for them, really! The cherries had such a close bond with YinYang and now their.. well, not here anymore.

They pursed their lips together and glanced around, taking a glimpse at Chee only to realize he was on the verge of tears. They ruffled their hair and rubbed their back in an attempt to calm them down.

It.. kinda worked? Atleast, they weren't full on crying now- oh wait nevermind.

They quickly took a part of their apron and used it to pat Chee's tears dry. They pat their head and offered him a hug in an attempt to make him feel better.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Chee gave them a tight one-armed hug and held on for dear life. Like if they let go they wouldn't be alive for another day.

"What if me and Rié die? I don't.. I don't (hic) wanna die. You won't let that happen right..?" Chee begged in desperation, teary eyes looking up at them.

Paintbrush almost felt as if they were going to shatter into a million pieces. These two were precious, and they would do anything to keep them safe.

"..I promise on my life. Go to sleep now, I'll be here in the morning. I swear."



Wooo cherries brainrot too?!? A-fucking-mazing!! How wonderful!!! Anyways mwuah mwauh parent paintbrush is chefs kiss mwauh shsuhder




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