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A loud scream came from one of the rooms, it was Suitcase. She apparently had ran into Knife's dead body.

She ran back into hotel oj trying desperately to wake anyone up

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She ran back into hotel oj trying desperately to wake anyone up. Sadly, her efforts were in vain. No one was awake aside from Oj and Lightbulb, which unfortunately lead her to run into lightbulb's room and burst through the door.

"LIGHTBULB! HE- IT!-" Suitcase screamed


"Woah woah! Slow down girl, what happened?"

"K-knife he I.. I cant explain, just foll- nevermind, I-" She became a stuttering mess within seconds.

Keep the act.

"Okay, just bring me there."

Suitcase shows her the way and Lightbulb follows, though she already knows what happened to Knife. She was the cause after all.

She tapped her pocket to check if her knife was still there. It was.

They got there and Suitcase just kept staring at the body, wide eyed.

She looked traumatized, makes sense of course.

"Oh my god..."

Keep the act

"What happened to him?!" Lightbulb shrieked in fake terror.

"I-i dont know! Who could've done this..."

"I dont know girl, only me, you and oj are awake."

"Yeah I know that, it cant be oj... not me.. you...?"



"N-no thats not what I.. I was just using the process of elimination! I wasn't trying to accuse you or anything! Honest!"

"Yeah, sure."

Keep the act. Wait. No, she could be onto her.

She cleared her throat.

"Why, Suitcase! Your smarter than I thought! Your right. I DID do it!" She sang happily.

"W-WHAT!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! Are.. you saying.. you did this..?"

"Thats right! SI killed Kni-iiife!" Lightbulb beamed with a grin.


Suitcase turned around to run back to Hotel Oj, but she trips when Lightbulb kicks her legs.

"Did you really think you get to leave THAT easily?" Lightbulb giggled sinisterly as she held Suitcase by her hair.

"LET ME G-!" Suitcase tried to scream but was unable to as Lightbulb smashed her head onto the ground with such strength that Suitcase swore she could hear a crack.

"Nu-uh girl! Im just getting started!" Lightbulb took the knife out of her pocket, and plunged it into Suitcase's back.

A long, high pitched ringing filled Suitcase's ears. This was it right? Death from one of the brightest people in Hotel OJ? Hah. She should've known.

Suitcase couldn't scream, her head was pinned on the ground. All she could feel was aching pain from the stab, and feelings of betrayal and anger.

"Smile wide now! Don't wanna go out looking this upset now would ya?"

All Suitcase could do was look at Lightbulb within the corner of her eyes, as her vision went dark at the seams.

How sad. She was such a nice person. Gone. Like that.

"Wow... I probably need to get rid of the bodies before the same thing happens again. But where..?"

The cliff.

The cliff where Test Tube would look at stars! Jackpot! Right on the money!


Lightbulb used all her strength to lift Knife and Suitcase towards the cliff.

"God, you both are- oof! Heavy!"


"Oh. I forget corpses dont speak. Would've been interesting if they could." She muttered to herself.




She kicked both bodies down the cliff, and waited till she could hear an audible crack.

"Good riddance."

She wiped the blood off her clothes with her gloves, and threw them off the cliff aswell.

Now, she could go back to the hotel. She skipped her way there humming and singing as if nothing happened.

Once she could see the outline of the hotel, she grinned and opened the door, silently tip toeing to the living room.

When she got there she saw Paintbrush.

I promise what happened to Knife and Suitcase will never happen to you, Painty.

"Mornin' Painty!" She chirped and spun around near her very best friend.

"Huh? oh good morning Lightbulb, your up early." They said, shifting their matching scarfs around their neck.

"Yep! I was bored, do you have anything to do?"

"No not at the moment, Im gonna make breakfast go bother someone else ya goof." They said with a slight blush tinting their face.

"Hehe! Alright Painty, tell me when breakfast is done!"

Lightbulb walked around the hotel finding something to do then-


It was Balloon, from the looks of it, he had just gotten up from what presumably was a night of twisting and turning. Poor guy.

"Whoops! Sorry Balloon, didn't see ya there!"

"It's ok, erm, by the way, have you seen Suitcase anywhere?.."


HAHAGA CLIFF HANGER!!! Soras writing is so good even without my edits omg anyways im going to go listen to music and think abt animations for this au 😍

Lightbulb is lowkey very evil here, dont worry though she still has a heart, its just shes not close to suitcase nor knife so why would she need to care ya know what im sayin


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