Care for a slice?

752 22 46

Lightbulb woke up to the sound of ticking. She rolled her head and looked over at her clock.

4 AM. Huh, she's never been this early up before.

Looking over to her side was Test Tube. She smiled a little looking at her best friends sleeping form.

Slowly getting up, she grabbed the knife and axe that was left in the closet.

She ran her finger along the sharp end of the axe, which was shiny and seemed to look brand new.

The knife on the other hand, looked a little more dull and "dirty".

"Wouldn't want 'Tube finding out would I?" Lightbulb murmured softly.

She walked over to the bathroom and washed the knife off with bleach and soap.

She didn't know if she could use bleach to clean metal objects, but whatever, it's not like she'll kill herself somehow.

...Actually, she HAS accidentally killed herself a lot of times in the show, but she was always revived by MePhone anyways.

Not excusing the fact it hurt like hell, though.

She jumped after hearing a few soft thumps outside.

Grabbing both her axe and knife, she opened the door ever so slowly and went to see what all the ruckus was about.

"Oh, hey... you! What are you like, doing up so early for?" Salt questioned as she positioned her hands on her hips.

"Im just putting my old axe from halloween back into the storage. I forgot to do it and I decided that doing it 4 months late is better than never! And, I was about to ask you the same thing, Salt." Lightbulb chuckled.

"Ouhwww! Well, maybe I can like, go with you! Because Pepper is like, asleep right now." Salt smiled a bright smile.

"Maybe if you stopped obsessing over very-obviously-gay-OJ you wouldn't be bored at 4 '30 in the morning." Lightbulb muttered softly.

"Hm? What was that?"

"Nothing, let's go!"

She sounded so fake for some reason. Or was it because she was just too paranoid?


"Gosh, Lightbulb, why on earth do you have such weird things in your room? I know you love to eat weird things but this is like, so, so, weird!" Salt hushed in a teasing voice.

"Mhm. Gee, thanks." She hummed in an annoyed tone.

"Take a joke, girl! But anyways, Im so, like, tired! Can we take a break?"

"Salt, its been 5 minutes since we started? Are you sure you got enough sleep? 'Tube always talks my ear off about that."

"Well, yeah, but come on! Since when does a girl get a chance like this? Never I tell you! The air is like, so refreshing!"

Lightbulb nodded at that statement, and sat down on the very convienient bench, patting the seat next to her.


"Mmh, Lightbulb, girl, you should stop being so, like, weird.. if you wanna like,
impress Paint- person.. thing!" Salt started while dabbing her lips with lipgloss.

"Their not a thing. Also wh-?!"

"Well, I knew that.. but like, I've seen how you look at them, girlie. You should, like, take my love for OJ as an example!"

"Uh-huh. Hasn't gotten you that far though." Lightbulb mumbled the last part of her sentence.

God, how could someone be this.. annoying?!

"Well, Im just giving you tips! Don't gotta look so grouchy. You look cuter with a smile, ya know!" Salt beamed enthusiastically.

"Well those tips aren't helping much."

"Shhh! Come on now, take my advice to the heaaart! Its not like YOU know any better, anyways.."

Salt just kept blabbering and blabbering. It was getting on Lightbulb's nerves. Honestly, she'd probably be laughing right now if it wasn't for the fact she was still 'trigger-happy' due to the 2 murders she committed the day before.

Murder. Huh, why hasn't she thought that before?

"Lightbulb? Hey? Earth to Lightbulb? Your acting really weird girl."

"Well I don't know Salt, would I be alright if SOMEONE COULDN'T SHUT UP FOR TWO SECONDS?!"

Pulling out her knife, she kicked Salt down. Attempting to kill her with it.

"Are you trying to like, kill me?! Lightbulb- WuAH- STOP!"

She kicked the knife out of her hands.

Wow, she was a fighter, huh? Its fine. Call this extra practice.

"Heh. Wow, Salt. Even Knife couldn't defend himself like this. Pat yourself on the back, will you?"

Salt kept thrashing around, it was starting to get annoying. She hoped that her future victims won't be this... finicky.

She had an idea.

She dropped to her knees, in a proclaimed 'surrender' type of position.

"Jeez, Lightbulb! What the hell has gotten into you?! Im telling OJ and Paper, come with me, okay?"

Salt got up and turned around.

Lightbulb reached for her axe, ever so slowly. This was the first time she's going to use it!

"Come on now, we don't have all da-"


Blood filled the air. Lightbulb shielded both her face and her scarf. She didn't want that to get dirty, no thank you!

Thankfully, it didn't splatter onto her. She smiled a sinister smile seeing Salt's body drop to the floor.

Quickly washing herself off with the water stream she found, she had the best idea she could ever think of.


After throwing the body off the cliff, she walked as lightly as she could on the soft carpets of Hotel OJ's hallways.

Placing it down on the floor, she banged on the door to the room and bolted to her own, getting under the covers as if she was sleeping.

Kicking around in her sleep really helped her case here.

Soon, a high pitched scream rang through the halls.

The scream of one of the well known residents.


Mwuahahahahha i wonder what my girl lb did... hmmmmmm

Cliffhangerrr,,, mwuag

This took so long to finish because i had no motivation omg

Also no art cus im lazy heehee sorry

Hi im the reason why lightbulb had the brilliant idea 🙆‍♀️
(Your so lucky i allowed you to get a editors note)


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