To find a murderer.

663 19 51

"Mm! This stuff's delicious! How about ya try one 'Tube?" Lightbulb cheered as she held out her hand towards Test Tube.

"Ah, no thanks... and, Lightbulb, that's the 10th piece of banana bread you've eaten. Your gonna get a stomach ache."

"NAHH, I'll be fineee! You worry too much!"

"Your gonna regret saying that once it happens to you."

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say!"

"Hey guys!" Fan greeted the two.

"Owh- hey Fan!" Lightbulb answered with her mouth full.

"Lightbulb!- Don't talk with your mouth full. Hey Fan, how are you holding up? After everything that's happening its best we try to stay positive, you know?"  Test Tube asked as she smacked Lightbulb's cheeks, in an attempt to keep her mouth shut.

"Well, Im doing okay, pretty scared of course, but I think Im alright. These murders are quite chilling though.. if only Mephone was still here, none of this would be that big of a deal!" Fan whined and threw his arms in the air to add to the dramatic effect.

"Yeah, me too, but Mephone left after the season ended ages ago. There isn't much to do other than rely on the police really." Lightbulb replied nonchalontly after swallowing the bread in her mouth.

"Lightbulb's right, though I wish I could do something about this." Test Tube sighed somberly.

"Maybe you could, who knows. Wait wait wait- off topic real quick, where's Paintbrush?" Fan wondered while grabbing cereal from the pantry.

"Oh, golly! I don't know, I haven't seen them around."

"Painty? Uh, maybe I can go check their room? They're probably stressed over all of this. I mean, hell, they're not as cheery as we are. The murders could've gotten to them" Lightbulb went to stand up and go to Paintbrush's room but before she could do that, however..

"OUCH! Eughh.. oof, my stomach hurts."

"Lightbulb! I told you so. God, ah- Fan, can you help me bring her to her room please?" Test tube groaned as she began to lift Lightbulb up.

"Huh? Oh, sure!"

Fan grabbed Lightbulb by the shoulder, and was about to help her up until she flinched in pain.

"Ack! Ow! Watch where your pressing, flatface!" Lightbulb shouted jokingly as she pushed Fan away.

'I forgot about the wound.. dang, thats gonna sting.' she thought to herself.

"Oh! Sorry Lightbulb! Are you alright?"

"Yeah yeah, Im good. Just don't hold me like that."

"I got ya."

"Alright, let's go now before you start vomiting. If you do, however, do it in the bathroom. I don't think we'd want OJ to feel even worse, he's been hauled up in his Office all morning."

"Okie dokie!"

They helped Lightbulb to her room, made sure she sat on her bed, then closed the door as they walked out.

"Wewh, that sure was something." Fan sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I mean, it's Lightbulb, can't expect a lot from her," Test Tube rambled. "Gee, doesn't she remember the time she threw up because of those 53 cookies she ate? God, she should really learn by now eating THAT much is not great for her health."

"I mean she had a chance to raid the pantry, she was obviously gonna try to shoot her shot." Fan giggled as he remembered the mess she made.

Test Tube laughed along with him, the two sharing a moment of peace for a bit.

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