Not a big FAN of Fan, to be honest.

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"Hey? Paintbrush? You in there?" Fan asked as he knocked on the door.



No response.

"This isn't funny, you know.." He said with slight panic in his voice.

A million thoughts ran around in his head.

What if their hurt? Or what if the murderer got them?! Stars, theres endless possibilities. They could be murdered and not even in their room right no-

Suddenly, he was greeted by a tired looking Paintbrush.

"Mmh? What is it Fan? You woke me up."

"Oh thank the stars! I thought you were dead!"

"Really? I wouldn't die that easily. So uh, lets cut to the chase. Why ya at my dorm?"

"Oh I uhm, I was just getting worried and I wanted to check on you because of this uh," he stuttered and stumbled over his words, "Ya know, murderer? Sorry, sorry I didn't mean to startle you or anything, but like aside from that, how are you? You know, about all this happening."

"Well, thanks for checking on me. Im doing better, not as well as I thought I would be, but I guess Im holding up fine. Im going to take another nap, so yeah." They replied, shutting the door afterwards.

Well, that was.. something.

Fan nodded after the conversation ended, and decided to hang out with Lightbulb for a few hours.


Knocking on the door to her room, he waited patiently and fiddled with his fingers until she opened the door.

"Whoz... oh! Hey flatface! What's up with you? You look really nervous." She cocked her head and looked at him with a curious look.

"Oh, nothing, nothing! I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with me for a bit? We could go stargazing! I've just been lazing around all day, so.."

"Hmm, let me think real closely." She hesitated and tapped her finger against her chin, as if she was some sort of detective.

"..isn't it supposed to be 'think real quic-'" "YEAH!! Sure sure! I wanna hang out with ya!" He was cut off by an excited Lightbulb, who was currently doing mini jumps in place.

It looked like she was lighting up in excitement. Wow, her name really did show her mood huh?

He chuckled a bit and asked her to follow him outside, just beside the hotel.

The two sat down, and stared at the sky in silence, until Fan broke it and started up a conversation.

"So, ya feeling better? You looked really out of it when we brought you to your dorm, heh."

"Hmm? Oh, yeah! Im feeling a lot better! I think I threw up a few minutes after you guys left me alone, but it's all hazy, so I don't remember that well." She replied with a bored expression as she scratched her head.

"Ha, of course you don't. But that aside, I kinda miss II. The show was pretty fun to be on, and Im a big fan of it, as you know." Fan expressed as he layed down on the grass.

"Mmmh, yeah, when you all got eliminated I was really bummed out, it just wasn't the same without you guys there." Lightbulb noted with a solemn tone. "And on top of that, some people on the show were really... yeah, just... not it."

"Tell me about it! It was really off-putting."

"You know, they all said I had it my way. It really sucked, and as much as I don't like to admit it... those words got to me. And they kinda hurt."

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