What to do?

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The sun was barely noticable as it dipped down into the shadows.

"Huh. Another day has passed, hm? How dull, I haven't even found anything interesting yet." They muttered under their breath, trying to lay low to avoid suspicion.

A certain someone was the reason for all these murders. They didn't know who, but their getting sick of it.

Rising up from their previously sitting position, they re-adjust their collar and started walking around.

They've been spectating for quite a bit now, observing everyone and their behaviours in hopes of finding somewhat of a clue to who or what is causing all of these murders.

Thankfully they have, kind of? Eh, they didn't know.

They have been suspicious of a certain person, however.

"Ive been noticing how weird she acts, shes different from how she usually acts, somehow no one is picking that up, and if I bring it up it'll bring more trouble to me. Don't want that, do we now.." They groaned rubbing their forehead.

They kept pacing back and forth, trying to think of more evidence, they can't just blindly accuse her without actual evidence, can they?

They've seen her go out at night before, they've seen the way she acts strangely when asked something related to the murders, they really think it is her, but it could just be their emotions taking over.

What if it wasn't her? They cant go accusing her randomly, especially under these circumstances, that would raise a whole bunch of red flags. They needed more evidence then just behaviour.

They kept walking around in hopes that it'll help them somehow, kicking rocks along the way.

Then, they started smelling something, a foreign scent. It was disgusting! What could it be?

They ran towards the direction, being lead to a cliff then crouching down to see..

"Oh my god."

At the cliff, a shallow river at the bottom was found, holding 3 bodies. Almost unrecognisable from the water splashing over them, but it seemed like it was Knife and Suitcase. There was one corpse that was.. beheaded.

"God.. They really are dead."

They started stepping away from the cliff in disbelief. They really needed to find whoever did this, fast.

Turning around and sprinting back to the hotel, they kept thinking about if she was really capable of this, they never really knew her, but they knew she was a lot different before the show ended.

But maybe they where being a bit too observant.


Me and cel died trying to write this BC we needed to hide the character so uh yeah slay 😋 y'all can guess who it is :]

Lmao its so obvious /j


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