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"YINYANG?!" the Cherries screamed simultaniously in terror.

They both ran towards YinYang who was laying limp against the bathroom wall. The left Cherry tried shaking them awake, but there was no sign of consciousness.

They ran out of their room hoping to find someone to help." They ran into the dorm near their room, trying to find the closest person to a mother they ever had. Soap's room, to be exact.

The two came in crying and sobbing, launching themselves into her arms.

"Oh my goodness-? What happened?" Soap asked with worry.

"YinYang... They.. They won't wake up.." Cherries hiccuped in between sobs

"What!?" Soap quickly ran into the Cherries' and YinYang's room to find the problem.

Lo' and behold, there was the scene.

Dr Fizz spilt on the carpet, a small blood trail leading to the bathroom with YinYang's body. soap stared in disbelief, another murder. She ran out the room, carrying the Cherries and covering their eyes.

She quickly grabbed her phone, and called the police. Then after confirming their arrival, she went into a napping OJ's room and told him about what happened.

"Wh.. wha?"

"...Another happened."

"IT'S ONLY BEEN A DAY?!" OJ started shaking, he couldnt believe it, they're all dropping like flies. He couldnt deal with this, he still couldn't get over Paper, and now 2 more murders accured.

He doubts he could handle it as calmly as he did.

"Uh, OJ?" His train of thought got cut short by Soap shaking him.

"OJ.. this.. is probably a lot for you to handle especially after... yeah. It's okay, you stay here and i'll handle the situation." Soap reassured calmly, her tone lacing concern.

"Oh.. gosh, thank you so much Soap, please do that. I've been a total wreck lately, thank you, again, really."

"It's my pleasure! We cant leave these situations alone after all" she smiled, then left the room and closed the door with a sigh.

Looking at her exhausted, sniffling children in her arms, she pat their heads until they fell asleep. Poor kids, they must be traumatized.

Soap quickly made everyone who weere outside go to their dorms and explained the situation, except Cherries, they got to nap in Paintbrush's room for a bit, wait.. what was she thinking?! Her children never liked sleeping in the rooms by themselves. Maybe they should stay in Paintbrush's room? They really shouldn't go back in theirs until the..

Police get rid of the body.


"The police told us that everyone has to stay in their rooms and dont leave, and that food will be served by Soap and OJ from outside the rooms or something. Gee... these murders are really getting worse." Lightbulb groaned and scratched her head.

Honestly, that rule is annoying. Murdering people would be so much harder with it in-place.

Test Tube was pacing back and forth in a frenzied panic.

"This is bad... this is bad! I need to find who it is, fast, before anyone else get targeted. I can't even go to my lab now.. Agh, this is so frustrating!" Test Tub kept muttering to herself and threw her hands in the air in frustration. It was quite concerning to Lightbulb.

"Woah! 'Tube, calm down, jeez!" she pulled on Test Tube's arm and made her sit on the bed next to her.

"C'mon, deep breaths, we'll be okay." Lightbulb attempted to soothe her friend.

"it wont be okay! 3 murders accured in such a short amount of time, who knows if that could happen to us!" She kept shaking and gripping at her hair.

"Ugh, 'Tube, c'mon! Deep breaths stupid!" Lightbulb teased and took a deep breath as an example.

Test Tube chuckled and exhaled.

"Mm... I-Im just really worried, wh.. what if we all.. die here Lightbulb? Wh-what if we dont make it out? It's happened to Fan, what if it happens to us? I can't handle anymore of you guys just.. leaving."

"Don't worry, 'Tube, I'm sure everything will get better somehow! They'll find this murderer and everything will get back to normal. And I'm sure you could find a way to bring everyone back one day."

Well, fuck. Goodjob Lightbulb, you gave her an idea.

"..I know but... I just can't, I still haven't recovered from last night, and now we've been smacked with all this crap!" Test Tube complained, laying on the bed, flinging her hair everywhere.

"Geez, you really need to get your mind off of this somehow, 'Tube."

"Ugh.. I.. I guess you're right, but I can't right now. Did the police say anything else? I was late after all since I was in the lab. I got the news pretty late. Hell, when I arrived I was a mess!"

"Heh. But, yeah. They said something about the drink YinYang drank that was poisoned with uhm... uh.. that one poison that had 'stry' in it?"

"Do you mean Strychnine? Wait a minute.. WHAT?!" Test Tube jumped, wasnt that the poison in her cabinets!? She had those for rodents. how the hell did the murderer get their hands on the bottle?

“What?” Lightbulb cocked an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

“Lightbulb, please believe me on this alright?” Test Tube lowered her voice down to a whisper.


“I'm pretty sure it's the Strychnine from my cabinet.”

“Wha..? You had some?" Lightbulb faked a confused expression, despite already knowing about hr best friend having it.

“Im not the murderer, I swear with my life. The murderer must’ve came in here and took it or something.. Or, did..” Test Tube sat up and rummaged through her cabinet.

Lightbulb froze, afraid of what Test Tube might say, was she going to accuse her? Will she have to kill Test Tube too? She can't! She won't.

“Lightbulb, did you see anyone come into our room?”

“Hm? Nope." lightbulb answered honestly, knowing the consequences but if she accused anyone it would make it harder for her.

“Huh… I dont want to accuse you, I really doubt it was you, but did you come out of the room at one point?” Test Tube tapped a finger agains't her head in wonder.

“Eh? Well, yeah, I went to the kitchen this morning for breakfast and sat on the couch for a little while.” She shook her hand in a sort of 'ehhh' way.

“Maybe they took it then, right? I mean, you were in your lab, I was in the kitch-” Her sentence was cut short be Test Tube standing up from her previously crouched down position.

“Yep, the bottles gone. But there's no trace of Strychnine anywhere.. Huh..” She murmured to herself.

“Lightbulb, I might sneak into my lab tonight, dont tell anyone, promise?” She said, holding out her pinky finger.

Lightbulb looked at her hand and intertwined her pinky with Test Tube's.

“Alrighty ‘Tube! Just dont fall asleep over there, or Soap's gonna think you went missing." Lightbulb bumped her arm teasingly.

“Ow- pfft. Alright, alright! Cya in the morning, Lightbulb." She said as she started to sneak out the window.

"..see you in the morning."



my poor cherries, mi bebes :(

There are so many spelling mistakes im so sorry


i actually have no idea abt what i wrote i was having writers block, but i hope you like it 💥



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