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"Nope! Why ya ask?" She cocked her head with a curious look.

"Nothing, it's just... I haven't seen her anywhere, and I'm getting a little worried." Balloon sighed.

Content with that answer, she nodded her head and waved Balloon goodbye, before walking over to Paintbrush and resting her head on their shoulder.

"Wh- oh, it's you. Hey Lightbulb, haven't found anything to do yet?"

"No, so I decided I'm gonna hang out with you!" She ended that sentence with a large grin on her face.

Not the malicious one, never in a million years! They don't deserve such treatment.

But then again, neither did Suitcase.. Eh, she was friends with Knife, and Knife was a jerk that deserved death. So she guessed that Suitcase deserved it too.

"Oh.. that's.. nice. Let me finish up the eggs and I'll hang out with you, alright?" They gestured to the pan, which was currently filled with half-scrambled eggs.

Lightbulb nodded and walked over the couch, and sat next to Fan. She looked over his shoulder to see what he was doing.

Talking to Test Tube online. Typical Fan!

"Hey Fan!-"

"WUAH- Oh hey Lightbulb! You shocked me there.. heh. What are you doing this early in the morning? I normally see you up a few hours later." He rambled.

"Oh nothing! I just woke up really early and got a little bored waiting for Test Tube to show up. Thats all! Say, whats 'Tube doing now?"

Fan looked at her with a sort of 'really?' expression, before quickly looking back to the screen and typing what presumably was something related to her question.

"Oh! Test Tube says she's trying to find out what to feed Baxter other than mashed potatoes. Doesn't look like she's doing too well though.. heh.."

Lightbulb looked over at the screen to find a picture of an angry potato covered Baxter, with the caption 'Help' written below.

She snickered and was about to get up before everyone heard an announcement on the intercom.

"Uh, hello everyone! I need you all to meet at my office, because we all need to talk about something important. Please and thank you!" OJ said over the intercom.

Oh jeez, it's related to Knife and Suitcase, isn't it.

She sighed and pretended to have a worried look on her face as she and the other residents (some of which, looked quite grumpy.) walked over to OJ's office.


Trophy opened the door with a huff, before looking up at OJ sitting at the desk.

"Hey OJ! The hell you call us for?"

OJ sat up and began to speak.

"So, what I wanted to talk to you guys about was the dissapearence of both Suitcase and Knife. Has anyone seen them? Last time I saw Suitcase was yesterday morning."

A couple of worried glances were exchanged after that sentence.

Pickle spoke up a moment later.

"I last saw him around 6pm a few nights ago, he didn't come to our dorm last night either." He noted in worry.

OJ nodded and dismissed everyone after they had all stated where they last saw Knife and Suitcase.


While Lightbulb was hidden by everyone shuffling out of the office door..

She recalled the memory of last night.

How exhilarating! The look on Suitcase's face before she died was so funny to look at.

She looked so shocked! Why did she? It was obvious. Who else held a grudge on Knife aside from her? ...actually, scratch that. A lot of people did.

Lightbulb smiled. A small, but cruel smile. She never knew murder was THAT entertaining, she might do it more in the future!

Yeah. She will.


L l l l lightbrush

i had to delete the best friends part jdufd

Fun fact before this me and 2 other good friends (including sora) actually went on an aggie

That whole aggie only consisted of this fic lb. What the fuck.

Not complaining tho

Also yes lb and painty did hang out, just got lazy to write it lmao

Im really pulling a fear garden arent i

haha lightbulb gets away with murder, anyways next chapter gon be very epic, you'll see 😍


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