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Paintbrush was laying on their bed trying to sleep, but all the noise coming from outside their room is really bothering them.

"Mmh, why the hell are they so loud..? It's like basically midnight now!" Paintbrush groaned as they rubbed their forehead.

They kept turning on their bed in hopes of falling asleep, until someone barged into their room.

It was Test Tube, she had tears rolling down her face.

"Paintbrush, c-come outside, it's important."

They stood up and followed her right away, they were confused on what happened for Test Tube to be looking like this. But she looked serious, hell, not following her would make them a monster.

"Test Tube? What's going on? Are you alright?"

No response. The two went outside the hotel, seeing a small crowd around something.

"That." Test Tube pointed to the crowd, before running away in tears.

Paintbrush curiously walked over.

"Uhm, excuse me move please-"

They felt as if a pit formed inside their throat.

"..Fan? Wh.. what happened to him?!" They screamed in worry and fear, stumbling away from the body.

"Paintbrush.. he's gone. Im sorry." Soap held their shoulder and rubbing it attempting to calm them down.

They couldn't say anything, they just stared at the body in disbelief, tears started rolling down their cheeks, and bits of their hair started to burst aflame, with a variety of shades of blue.

They couldn't believe it. Another murder accured, their friend.

This shouldn't have happened. He was perfectly fine and healthy an hour ago!

They backed away from the crowd and sat beside Test Tube, they couldn't say anything, all they could do was sob as they buried their face in their hands.

Test Tube looked at them, and brought them into a hug, patting their back in an act of comfort.

"It's okay, let it out. It's.. hard for all of us."

Paintbrush kept crying, gripping onto their arms tightly, as if they let go they would fall apart.

Soon, their sobs turned into sniffles, and then into silence. They let go of the hug and excused themselves to their dorm.

Soon enough, the police arrived.

They told everyone to get away from the body so they could take it away, Test Tube watched, still not being able to process everything.

The picture. It was there. On her desk. As if the murderer was trying to taunt her.

Was it her fault? She shouldn't have left him alone. He's dead and its all her fault.

Wait... Lightbulb.

Test tube never told her that Fan had...

Oh dear.

She quickly jumped from her previously on the ground position, and bolted it to her and Lightbulb's room and opened the door.

Lightbulb jumped at the noise.

"Hnn- 'Tube..? What happened? What's wrong?"

"Lightbulb, I'm so sorry for not telling you sooner. But there's a situation downstairs... that you need to know."

Test Tube pulled her arm, dragging her outside, but flinched as Lightbulb yelped in pain.


"Ah- ow.. 's 'kay 'Tube."

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