Of all the things.

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She slowly turned the door knob of her room, and walked outside Hotel OJ.

Lightbulb sat on the bench zoning out, again.

She just want people to appreciate her more.

They always say she has it "her way" or that she's not taking anything seriously.

Because, well, ha. What use is a lightbulb if it has no one to shine for?

"Hello?" A deep voice snapped her back into reality, it was Knife.

"You've been staring at nothing for the past 20 minutes" he continued.

"W-wha.. Really?? Wow, I must be daydreaming real hard, am I right? Haha.." 

"Yea... real unusual for the chatterbox."

"WHATT, noooo, I just played with baxter too much last night I didnt sleep that well." Lightbulb cheered 'happily'.

"You really are weird."

"Hey, didn't need the insult mister-not-happy-anytime guy!"

"What? Did you become a lot more sensitive over things or something?"

"Wow, rude as hell as always.." She muttered softly. But of course, it was heard and left her with a rude remark to the heart.

"At least I didnt get left behind by my friends"


"Oh, nothing, really." he said in a sarcastic tone

"Your so annoying."

"Ironic coming from you"

"KNIFE REALLY WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" lightbulb jumped from her seat, Knife just rolled his eyes

"Ptff- take a joke Lightbulb, thought you where brighter than this."


"Yea yea I'll leave your sorry self alone"

Thats it.

Normally she'd laugh but, she couldn't take it anymore.

She had always cared about whay people said about her.

She always has.

She just never liked to tell anybody about it.

Lightbulb slipped her hand in their pocket and gripped the knife she was keeping in there, and walked up to Knife who was about to leave.

"What now?-" a sudden pain in his chest accured, a painful but swift movement that would have gone unnoticed if Lightbulb wasn't clearly behind him.

He looked back as he fell onto the grass.

He looked back as he fell onto the grass

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"Up for stabs?"

"God i fucking hate you" Knife's body growing limp, he couldn't do anything, even if he so desperately tried.

"See ya never sharp guy" Lightbulb chuckled as she let go, Knife's body dropped on the floor just like that

She just murdered someone.

She just ended someone's life.

Lightbulb couldnt help but smile.

She walked back into Hotel OJ with a grin. It was quite early in the morning, so no one other than Oj was up.

She crept back to her room and locked the door, praying that Test tube wasn't there.

Thank the stars she wasn't. Probably doing some science-y stuff in her lab.

She was surprised to hear the voice in her head gone. Well, not like it helped her that much anyways.

Walking to the shower, she rinsed herself off and was about to pull herself under the covers until a scream could be heard from one of the rooms.



Soooo like, Sora did most of the work and I only added some minor edits (as well as some dialogue) oh and our artstyles are TOTALLY different, I have more of the pink-ish border on the shading, she doesnt lol

Uhhh and yes she used gloves (lb)

Uhh, so like leave a comment please it would help a lot :DDDDDD -Thebrightbulbcel

Hey guys I'm gonna go insane over evil LGIHTBULB I hope y'all will too 😍 -Ryatllin



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