The Mansion.

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"Apple? Bow? Im back." Marshmallow stepped into what she now calls home, calling out to her friends.

"Oh, hey girlie! Listen, before you yell at us for leaving these fizz bottles around, we have something to tell y-"

"MARSHMALLOW!!! NEW GHOSTS ARE HERE!! AND- AND AND!! THEIR FROM HOTEL OJ!" Apple suddenly budged into the conversation, cutting Bow's sentence off short.

New ghosts? What the heck? Why would they end up here? And, how the hell did they die?!

No, thats impossible. She trusted Apple and Bow, yes, but really?

"Haha, very funny guys."

A new voice suddenly popped in. An extremely deep voice.

"No, its true. Theres around, 6 of us here." Knife announced loudly, as if he was waiting for her to react.

"What. Knife, is that you? Jesus.. okay okay, just.. give me a minute." She sat put her coat on the rack and sat on the bench near the door, rubbing her head in confusion.

A few minutes later, she stood up abruptly and walked towards the ghostly specter of Knife.

"Okay, okay, who else is here? How the hell did you die?"

"Well, I was the first one to die. Then theres Suitcase, Salt, Paper, Fan, and YinYang. I was stabbed. I think Suitcase was too." Knife replied casually, patting the now visible Suitcase's back.

"Oh. Im.. so sorry about that. Uh, what about everyone else?"

"SHEEEEEE!- SLICED MY LIKE, LITERAL HEAD OFF! I know I was probably being a little rude and, ugh, maybe even annoying... but like, thats so brutal!" Salt complained and spun around, levitating in the air.

Marshmallow just stood there, in disbielef, until someone else joined in.

"I was.. uhm, more or less pushed off the building.. it was pretty painful." Paper gripped his arms as he became visible.

"..hey wait a minute, Salt mentioned a she? Who's the she you guys are talking about?" Marshmallow asked curiously.

"Oh. Lightbulb." Salt replied in a sort of numb tone.

"I.. wh.. really?! That.. that doesn't make any sense she would never!-"

"I KNOW! I was just trying to give her advice, but she said that I couldn't shut up for more than two seconds. Like, maaaybe thats true.. but did she really have to slice my head off like that?!" Salt cut off her sentence as she popped her head off as an example.

"But hey! Look what I can do! It's super cool, right? It's like, a cool perk of being dead. I guess?"

Marshmallow almost fell back onto the floor until Apple helped her balance.

"Jeez... did she really.. kill all of you..?"

"Yeah, sadly. Atleast, me and Yang think so? We died because of a can of fizz. Thanks a lot, Yang!"

"I said I was sorry!"

Marshmallow looked up to see both Yin AND Yang, looking at each other. Suprisingly, their both seperated, but not completely.

A thin red line connects the two by the wrist, and seems to look unbreakable.

"Uh.. wasn't there another person that was killed too?-"

"Hm? Oh, yeah, Im here too. I was strangled, it sucked! Wasn't like the things I've read about it." Fan muttered the last part of his sentence under his breath.

"Oh jeez.. she killed you? Wasn't she your bestfriend? Thats messed up. God, okay okay, when did you guys get here? I haven't seen you here la-"



"Yang! Im not actually bonded with you anymore, but get back here and give Salt her head back! We've been dead only for a day, stop creating so many problems!"

A series of crashes were heard not a moment later.

"MY LAMP!! These are expensive, you crazies!" Bow argued as she zoomed towards where the damage was caused.

Well. Say goodbye to the glass items, then.

"Anyways, I'll answer your question. We've all been here for about more than a few days, except YinYang, as you know. I've been here for a good 5 days, Suitcase aswell, Salt around 4 days, Paper around 2. And Fan just arrived yesterday." Knife rambled on, making a few movements with his hands.

"Oh. Jeez, why didn't you guys ever say anything? It would be nice to get a heads-up, you know."

"Oh... w-well, we didn't know how to make ourselves visible.. I had to practice a lot with Bow before being able to become visible. I assume you heard Bow talking to 'herself' in the past few days?" Paper mumbled and brought his legs to his chest.

"So THATS why I heard her doing that Anyways, I guess you guys could stay here if you don't have anywhere to go? Are you guys stuck here like Bow?" Apple asked as she popped her head into the room, hair messy and covered with glass shards.



"Yeah. We're stuck here, believe me, I should know. Yang tried to walk out the door many times. Anyways, you should call the police, we told you who it was, and your the only people we can talk to, and Apple doesn't want to." Yin floated in, tugged his twin by the arm.

"Ehh.. I don't really know. I don't.. I don't think I want to go back to Hotel OJ. I just, left without any reason! Everyone probably hates me.. and Paintbrush.. oh gosh, I didn't even tell them! Yeah, Im sorry, I don't.. I really don't think I should." Marshmallow muttered, walking towards the living room and cleaning up the mess that was left on the floor.

"I guess thats reasonable.. but, uh, they can stay, right?" Bow jumped in front of Marshmallow unexpectedly, getting a shriek from the lass.

"Hm. Yeah. Yeah, they have no were to go.. so, yeah. It'll make things less lonely."


So like

Hehe ghost time :DD

I ahd fun writing this ngl but its kinda wack sorry 💀



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