Overworking yourself? Nope, where'd ya hear that?

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TW: Su1c1d3 mention, sort of gore'ish?

A loud thud could be heard all the way to OJ's office.

Actually, no, it was more of a splat. Thats what OJ thought anyways.

He opened the door to the outdoors, both to get fresh air and to find out what was the source of the sound.

Walking outside with his hands in his pockets, he strode around the back of the hotel, to see..


"Paper what are you doing he- wh.. is that.. blood?"

OJ curiously walked closer, he wished he didn't.

The sight of it all made his stomach twist.

Slowly, he backed away, hoping to wake up as if this was all a dream.

But no, it wasn't. It was real. Paper was dead. He was killed, or even..

No, snap out of it OJ! That wasn't what he did. He would never, right?

Oh but what if he did? He's so stupid, why didn't he see the signs? Paper was probably stressed and he didn't even dare to ask if he was okay.

He ran back into Hotel OJ, slamming and locking the door to his office.

He sat in front of the door, gripping his shoulders tightly trying to rid of the image that is now forever etched into his mind.

He hated it. He hoped that there wouldn't be another murder, but noO! Of course there was. He doubts it was even a murder. And on top of that, this was someone he cared about deeply.

A concerned knock from his door caught OJ's attention.

"OJ? Dude, you ran into your office after going outside, whats up?"

It was Pickle.

OJ couldnt say anything, all he could do was silently cry as he kept muttering nonsense to himself.

"OJ? Hey, whats wrong?"

"Call the police." was all he could say.

"What? OJ? What happened?"

"Pickel, just call the damn police please."


"Ah- ow. Yikes, okay maybe this wasn't something to say whatever to- OW!"

Lightbulb hissed as she washed off the blood from her wound. From the anatomy studies Test Tube gave her, it didn't look like this injury was going to be fatal.

Ha, that was a surpise for sure. Paper of all people, defending himself like that.

None of her past victims ever did that. They just died on the spot! How intriguing!

She quickly pat the wound dry, and took the spare bandages she brought and wrapped it around her shoulder.

She covered up her wound and put on a jacket to hide it.

Suddenly, she heard knocks coming from her door.

Well shit.

She opened the door and put on a smile, attempting to hide the fact she is in utter agony at the moment.

"Hey Lightbulb, the police are here, again. We don't know if someone died yet, so do you mind accompaniying me and Fan while we search?" Test Tube said tone laced with a hint of worry.

"Eh? Oh, uh, sure! Just give me a minute."

"Yep! Thats alright."

She held her breath as Test Tube closed the door, and exhaled once she confirmed she had walked away.

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