Paper Cut.

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The next day had arrived rather quickly.

Apparently, Lightbulb and Test Tube had fallen asleep in Fan and Paintbrush's room after chatting last night.

Until the afternoon.

A creeking sound from the door had woken Lightbulb up, seriously, why do small sounds keep waking her up? It's like she's gotten way more paranoid

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A creeking sound from the door had woken Lightbulb up, seriously, why do small sounds keep waking her up? It's like she's gotten way more paranoid.

"..mmh.. huh?" Lightbulb yawned sluggishly.

Oh, it was Paper.

"Oh! Lightbulb your here, thank goodness! You and Test Tube scared me, hehe.. anyways, I couldn't find neither of you two in your room, so I got worried." Paper sighed

"Whoops! Sorry Paper! We got too caught up talking we kinda fell asleep here, weird amiright? Anyways, what'd ya need us for?"

"Well.. I kinda need all of you downstairs now. The police arrived, and need to interrogate us all.. Please help me out and wake your friends up."



Now THIS was interesting.

"Alright Paper!" Lightbulb reassured him with a couple of finger guns.

"Thanks Lightbulb!" Paper soon closed the door with an audible click.

After that, Lightbulb sighed.

Could she pull this off..?

Hopefully. Wait, what is she talking about? She's great at acting. She'll be fine. Probably.

"Well, not like I have much of a choice.."  With that, she sighed and got up to wake her best friends.

"Tube! Wake uuuu-p!~" Lightbulb dragged out the U as she lightly pinched Test Tube's cheeks.

"Mmh.. 5 more minutes...." Test Tube sleepily replied

Lightbulb chuckled at that and granted her request. So she proceeded to go and wake up Paintbrush and Fan instead.

"Flat faaaace! Wakey wakey!~" Lightbulb laughed.

"WH- WHA!- WHERE!?- Oh!" Fan jumped up from his previously asleep position.

"Woah woah! Chill out! Paper needs us, we need to wake up now."

"Oh.. gosh, you gave me quite the scare there Lightbulb.. hah, but I'm up now."

Fan looked at the currently sleeping Test Tube.

Wow, what a sight to behold! Her hair was everywhere on her face, and she was flopped on the floor like a seal.

"Oh... pfft, I'll wake her up."

"Thanks Fan! I'll wake up Painty!"

Fan nodded, hoping off his bed to wake up his girlfriend who was currently out like a light.

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