Chapter 9

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Paul and the pack were standing on top of a rock covered in bushes which helped camouflage them as they were awaiting on the arrival of the new born vampires they were about to sink their teeth into

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Paul and the pack were standing on top of a rock covered in bushes which helped camouflage them as they were awaiting on the arrival of the new born vampires they were about to sink their teeth into. Jacob not long arrived after leaving the group that were on top of the mountain, taking refuge until this was all over. All he could think about was Brie in the moment. He looked over at Jacob and gave him a look to ask if Brie was alright. Jacob nodded a little to say she was okay.

Paul's ear twitched as he could hear a pair of male feet step onto the wet grass. Newborn, he is hungry and is ready for a fight. It was quiet he couldn't hear anything else until suddenly from behind the man, the whole newborn army blitzes out of the woods and into the field! He could see the frenzy in their eyes. Their rabid thirst as they follow the scent of Bella's blood. But the scent trail ends her and they are confused.

Suddenly he could see something bolts from the trees with lightning speed and tackles a newborn. The other newborns spin to find a lethal looking Jasper in a crouch beside his victim's body.

They rush to Jasper but three of them go down, tackled by Esme, Rosalie, Carlisle, Emmett and Alice. Out of nowhere lunges Sam-Wolf, flanked by Jared and Emby's wolves. They tear a newborn to pieces. Leah, myself, and Quil dive into the fray. He could see Emmett sprinting full-bore into the fight, relishing the battle. The wolves work as a pack, coordinated, deadly. The newborns are brutal and strong as hell. Jacob-wolf charges into the clearing, tackling a newborn, going for it's neck.

Edward was up on the mountain as he was reading Seth-wolf's mind, translating for Bella and Brie "Jacob just got there. He's good"

Sam and Jacob charge a newborn each wolf grab an arm in the mouths and rip. As I was surrounded by newborns, trying to rip them off my back.

"Paul is surrounded by three newborns" Brie's head shoots up.

"What? Is he okay?" Brie asks as she looked in between Edward and Seth's wolf. 

Edward nods. Brie breathes out. But she is still worried as this was only the start. As Emmett comes to Paul's aid. They both kill their vampires. They both share a look before heading back into the fight.

Carlisle and Esme move in on Bree but she backs up frightened. Esme and Carlisle share a look. They relax their attack stance, try to calm her, talk to her. Alice darts from newborn to newborn, not even looking at them, knowing their next move. She sweeps their feet, keeping them off balance, confusing them. Jasper is a step behind her, trying to give her cover.

Edward whips Bella behind him against a cliff wall and takes a defensive stance in front of her "She's close. I can hear her thoughts. She knew we weren't there, but she caught my scent" Victoria searches the battlefield from the treeline. She abruptly turns away from the fight, and starts running, following Edward's scent "She knew you would be here with me" Seth's Wolf comes out "Seth take Brie and get out of here"

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