Chapter 18

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*smut in this chapter*

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*smut in this chapter*

Brie woke up the next morning with Paul by her side. She knew Charlie was night shift that night so she had Paul staying over to keep her company. She rolled onto her side to see Paul still sleeping. She smiled to herself as they didn't do this every often so when they did they made the most of it. Brie heard her phone ping on her bedside table. She turned over to look at it. It was Jacob.

"Just to let you know Bella is woken up"

Brie texted back "I know I was there when she woke up. Whats up"

"She wants to see Renesmee. But Edward has taken her hunting. She needs to control her thirst before she gets anywhere near her" she could hear the urgency in his text. 

"Remember Jake its her daughter. Don't do anything to antagonise her. She doesn't know about the imprint yet. We don't know how she is going to take it. Let me know when they are back and I'll come over"

"I will let you know when they are back. I am going to see Renesmee now. See you soon" she reads the text but doesn't text back as she puts her phone back on the table.

She turns back round as she see's Paul was now awake. She got a fright not expecting to see his eyes open.

"Who was that?" He asks.

"Was Jacob. Letting me know Bella is away hunting. Edward is going to teach her to control her thirst before she see's Renesmee. Jake is worried" Brie says snuggling into her pillow.

"He has every right to be. He doesn't know how Bella is going to be. Shes a newborn. She is a lot stronger than everyone so she won't have much control just now. Renesmee is his imprint so his first instinct is to protect her" Paul was right Bella might not have enough control to meet her daughter but nothing would stop her getting in the way of getting what she wants, not even Jacob.

"Even from her own mother. I get that everyone is cautious of Bella but she wouldn't do anything to harm her own baby. I just hope Jake doesn't do anything to set her off" Brie sighs as she rolls onto her back, looking up at the ceiling.

"He will do anything to protect his imprint. Even if he thinks Bella is a danger to her own daughter"

"Well theres going to be hell to pay when she finds out. Thats for sure" Paul pulls her closer as she snuggles into his side. The feel of his touch on her arm makes her feel tingly. She slowly moves onto her side as she starts kissing his neck.

"We really shouldn't," Paul whispered against the skin of her neck, he moves her so he was now hovering above her, hands placed on either side of her arms.

"We're alone, nobody is around" Brie moaned, she moved her hands up to his dark hair. They hadn't had sex in a while and she needed to feel his hands on her.

Paul sighed against her skin, he placed himself next to her, back pressed against the mattress, pulling her on top of him. "What's going on with you?" He chuckled, his eyes were hooked on hers, Brie was smirking down on him, slowly pulling her top over her head, exposing her lace bra to him.

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