According to the wolf legend, you do not have the power to choose your own fate, they are already laid out for you and you are just to go with it. Just a matter of time when one of the pack meets their destiny unexpectedly.
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Brie comes in the front door before she walks into living room to see that it was empty and quiet. She thought it was weird. She turned around and Bella was behind her "Fucking hell Bella. A little warning would of been great" she says trying to slow her heart rate down. "Did Charlie go easy on the punishment then?"
"He wasn't as angry as I thought he would of been. We just spoke, he was happy I was back talking to Jacob so that made it a little better. But I am still grounded for 2 days"
"Aww I'm sorry I got you grounded. It just kinda slipped out when he said he found out from Billy that you and Jacob were not talking"
"Don't worry about it. Not gonna hold a grudge. Anyways you gonna come to bed. Your sharing with me" Brie nodded and followed Bella upstairs to her room. She opened the door to Edward standing in the middle of the room
Edward frantically walked over to her "Do you understand how worried I've been. I almost break the treaty to make sure of it" Abruptly he stops and he inhales when his face becomes alarmed. "Something's wrong" He moves into the living room. He darts throughout the first floor, checking it.
"What? What is it?" Bella asks as she looks at Brie who looks just as confused.
"Stay here" And he bolts upstairs. She hurries after him
Brie enters to find Edward holding the dreamcatcher "Edward, what's wrong?"
"Someone's been in here" Brie and Bella look at each other alarmed that someone was in their house. Edward takes them to the Cullen's house to find out what's going on.
Edward paces, frustrated. Alice is stressed. Bella and Brie tries to track their fast-paced conversation with Carlisle, Rosalie, and Esme.
"Who was it? Someone we know?"
"Just a stranger. I didn't recognize his scent"
"A nomad passing through?" Esme suggest.
"A passer-by wouldn't have left Bella's father alive" Bella's chilled by the thought. Esme wraps an arm around her just as the door bursts open.
Jasper enters the room "His scent disappeared about five miles south of Bella's house"
"Someone's orchestrating this"
"Victoria?" Brie asks.
Alice shakes her head "I would've seen her deciding"
"It has to be the Volturi" Edward says.
"I don't think it's the Volturi either. I've been watching Aro's decisions, too"
"So we keep looking. We also take shifts, guarding Bella at her house"
Bella shakes her head "You can't protect me, watch my dad and search for the intruder. And for Victoria. And keep yourselves fed"
Edward grabs her hands and pulls her close "I'm not leaving you here defenceless"