Chapter 16

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"Seth, Leah

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"Seth, Leah. Where's Jake" Brie asks as she see's the two standing outside the house.

"He said he was away to Billy's for something" Seth shrugged "Wouldn't say for what though"

Brie just nodded "If the Cullen's ask I'll be back. I need to talk to Jake" Seth and Leah watch as they see Brie disappear into the woods.

"What do you think thats about?" Seth turns to his sister.

"No idea" Leah and Seth share a look.

Jacob was at Billy's house. He had a secret meeting with the pack to ask Sam to let Leah and Seth back in as he didn't want them getting hurt. Jacob walks out of the house when he see's Brie walking towards him, her eyes were all glossy. He has a worried look on his face. "Brie. What's wrong?" He jogs up to her.

She bumps into his chest as she wraps her arms around him "She is so selfish Jake. She is going to get everyone killed for this thing growing in her"

"You's had an argument didn't you?" He asks as he accepts her hug and puts his arms around her.

"Not really" She sniffs "I didn't really let her get an edge in ways. She wants everyone to fight when everyone is week. Your heard Emmett they have't fed in months. They are all going to die if they don't feed"

"Already taken care of. I distracted the wolves by asking them to take Leah and Seth back. I bought the Cullen's time to leave. The wolves noticed but it was too late they were gone. Lets just say they aren't happy with me"

"Thought they weren't happy with you when you left the pack"

"Two reason now" Jacob joked "No one is going to die. I won't let it"

"How you going to do that? Bella wants this baby. We are going to need to fight to defend it but she is going to die cause of it" Brie questions, not knowing how this is going to work.

"When I spoke to the pack I told to them to tell Sam not to attack. Let Bella have this baby and then I will be the one to destroy it. I'm the only one that can. The Cullen's trust me" Jacob explained.

"Bella is going to die if she gives birth"

"Another reason why I want to kill it" Jacob threatened. "You can't tell anyone about this"

Brie thought did she want to warn them about Jacob's plan to kill the baby. By the sounds of things if Jacob didn't then Edward would. But would he though? She thinks he would come around eventually but if Bella did die then Edward probably wouldn't want anything to do with this baby. And Brie definitely didn't want anything to do with it either if it killed Bella "I won't. I promise" Jacob nods at her. "You think Sam will put off the attack?"

Jacob shrugs "Probably not. He won't believe that I have what it takes to kill it with my history with Bella. So the attack might still stand. We just need to be ready" Brie nods as they start to walk back to the Cullen's "You spoke to Paul"

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