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"Hey Kazuha wake up" You were in the nurses office waving your hand over the white haired boy in panic hoping he was okay

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"Hey Kazuha wake up" You were in the nurses office waving your hand over the white haired boy in panic hoping he was okay.

You have no idea what suddenly came over him. One minute you were laughing with your friends, and the. the next you see kazuha holding onto his head, having a panic attack. You were very concerned for him as he got to his knees, trembling uncontrollably.

"Hey Miss jean, hows he?" You asked the school nurse, Jean.

"He's fine he just had a minor panic attack, do you know if he has these often though?"

"Well.....Not really."

"In that case you can go back to class, I will be sending kazuha home." Miss Jean sent you out the nurse office, you realised it had been the end of last period, meaning it was now time for your detention, it looked like you'd have to do it alone.

You then twisted the detention room door, making your way in to see venti, who seemed to be throwing paper aeroplanes at Childe, Venti immediately looked up at you. "OH MY GOD Y/N!!!" Venti cheered with a huge smile on his face.

"But where's Kazuha? Did you fuck his legs off?" Childe asked, "Can you please think normally for once childe, he had a panic attack so he can't make it"

At that, Some indigo haired man with a strange bowlcut looked up at you, you never saw the guy in your life, but he seemed to know kazuha judging off his expression.

"Hey you standing there" The indigo haired man pointed at you, and you looked him in the eye, he gave negative energy.

"You standing over there has a name you know??" Childe butted in and the guy shot childe a nasty look like he killed his whole bloodline. "Shut up lampost"

"We can't all be tall scara, don't feel too hurt" Childe smiled

"So your name is scara, what do you want then?" You asked and he simply smirked, it gave very odd vibes. "Well it's Kazuha, how did he faint?" Why was he asking that now??? Was he his physcologist or something.

"I have no idea..." You honestly replied then sat in your seat, but scara shifted towards you, earning him a confused expression from you.

"So... your close to kazuha" The guy leaned on his palm, facing you.

"Well if that's what you think" You shrugged, you didn't even know yourself.

"Your y/n, nice to meet you" Scara smiled, the smile felt very fake however... you just smiled back. "Nice to meet you too I guess "


Kazuha finally awoke,  he was so confused, his brain buzzing with thoughts, why was scara here? what did he want? just when he moved schools to escape him and there he comes following him.

"You fucking little cooochie" Kazuha whispered under his breath, rising himself up he woke to see miss jean at her desk, she immediately approached the boy.

"Hello if your not aware you've had a panic attack, is something going on, would you like to talk about it?" the woman asked with wordy printed on her face. Kazuha just remained dead silent.

"I'm guessing not... in that case you can go home"

Kazuha then got up, bowing to jean before taking his leave, he decided to go straight home but before that he pulled out his phone.

1 notification from y/n

He opened the message almost immediately he was worried about you more than anything right now.


Hey kazu are you okay, I was the one to carry you to the nurses office im worried :(

Hiii y/n! thank you im okay theres no need to worry about me

awh okay but its ever something you can speak to me i don't want you to bottle up then eventually go ape shit 😭

LMAO,,, I can assure you its nothing y/n

If you say so , well you should get rest now bye bye kazu!!


bye bye y/n stay safe!
liked by y/n

kazuha lied.

He was definitely not okay, his head was pounding harder than his heart, and his heartbeat was as fast as a racing car.

He decided to walk on, leaving the school gates, he couldn't stop thinking about one thing though.



Detention was finally over.

Normally you wouldn't mind detention, but today you purely wanted to just evaporate from existence that scara guy was really like really creepy he wouldn't stop asking questions.

You came for detention not an interview. He drained your social battery and you needed to go home and turn on netflix to recover from that.

You shuffled home, it was soo boring without someone by your side and this one was stupid to say, but despite knowing kazuha for only like 2 days you already missed his company.

'y/n this isn't a discord relationship, keep it slow....' You thought to yourself, sighing while you reached your block, you could've sworn someone was following you but you just shrugged it off.

You twisted the key in the hole then opened the door to see ayaka on the couch with noodles on the coffee table.

"Ayakaaaa my babyyyyy" You screamed running towards her and hugging her.

"Oh my y/n- did something happen" Ayaka asked, hugging you back.

"Well i met this real creepy dude called scara" You cried, taking the noodles off ayaka and shoving them in your own mouth.

"You mean scaramouche, he joined today. He already got detention on his first day, like hows that even possible" Ayaka said eyeing her noodles that were now yours.

"Wait, WHAT?" You said "He was asking me questions and he knew kazuha apparently.

Ayaka stayed silent at that one.

"Why the silent treatment, tell me what is it!!!!" You pulled Ayaka, who remained silent.

"Why the silent treatment, tell me what is it!!!!" You pulled Ayaka, who remained silent

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