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It has been a few days since your discharge from hospital

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It has been a few days since your discharge from hospital.

Currently you were getting into a black dress with black heels for Tomo's funeral. You were in the mirror fixing your hair trying to look as clean yet simple as possible.

The phone on your bedside then started ringing, that must've been Kazuha and your suspicions were right. You picked up the phone to hear his voice.

"Y/n, I'm outside so hurry up slowcoach" Kazuha spoke, "Hold your horses i'll be out" You replied before hanging up and glancing at yourself one last time in the mirror. You inhaled deeply, funerals often gave you anxiety.

But you had to do this. Do this in honour of Kazuha, afterall it was your fault this happened.

You made your way to the door to also see Ayaka in funeral attire, it looked like she was on her way to the funeral aswell.

"Wow Ayaka I didn't know you were going" You were slightly shocked but at the same time you weren't because afterall Ayaka was close with Kazuha.

"Did you lose your memory again?" Ayaka teasingly said. "Me and Kazuha and Tomo had been close long ago"

"Oh yeah" You cursed yourself in your head.

You then opened up the door to see no other than Kazuha stood there, he wore black gloves defining his slender fingers which held a borquet of flowers. an ironed white shirt with no a single crinkle with a black blazer on top with his matching black tie and black trousers. He looked exactly like a prince and you felt your heart pick uo the pace as you clutched your chest as if your head would escape your chest.

You snapped back into your senses as you ran up to the man. "Hi Kazuha" You buried your head into his chest, inhaling his cologne, he squeezed your hand as he let a strand of his hair fall into your neck.

Ayaka stood there behind the two of you. "Did you guys forget this is a funeral were going too? not your wedding"

"Not our wedding yet" Kazuha corrected, emphasising the yet. You immediately looked up blushing, you were absolutely speechless.

"Anyways shall we?" Kazuha asked, holding your hand up, "Yes sir" You said teasingly.

You guys then made your way to the car, Ayaka decided to go without you guys probably not wanting to third wheel.

After what seemed like awhile, you guys finally arrived at the graveyard, Kazuha stepped out the car first then opening the door to you as you stepped out almost stumbling over your heel to which he snickered at.

Ayaka hadn't seemed to arrive yet, nobody had infact it seemed to only be the two of you.

You guys walked arm in arm to the staff at the graveyard who looked down at a paper before looking up in shock.

"Oh your here to mourn for Tomo?" The staff asked to which you guys nodded.

"Well before I tell you, I'd like to mention an anonymous donator had donated to give Tomo a very high quality grave" Kazuha and you both shared the same shocked expression, who must it have been?

Ayaka was pretty wealthy but she would've said it was her if she did. You couldn't think of anyone else. Its not like Venti suddenly hit the lottery otherwise he would've never shut up, does he even know Tomo?

As you guys then were escorted to the grave which was inside a glass house, you were honestly impressed by the grave.

It was a huge rectangle with high walls and filled with stones with a marble stone that had the words "rest in peace Tomo (birth year)" Engraved in gold and flowers sat around the entire grave. It was truly beautiful.

Who must've done such kind gesture? You just wanted to hug them and thank them.

Kazuha then stepped forward, placing his borquet of flowers amongst the several others before holding his hands together, whispering a prayer.

You joined in and after the prayer, Kazuha's eyes looked teary you squeezed his hand too assure him you were there but this made his tears fall more.

"y/n...." He whispered between his breathless sobs. You pulled him into a hug and he locked his arms right around your waist, hiding his face in your chest.

"Its okay I am here" You assured the male, but your private time was quickly invaded by someone.

It was Childe. Anger suddenly filled your eyes as you protectively put kazuha behind you. "What do you want?" You asked with a hint of rudeness in your tone.

"Now now thats not a way to talk to the person who paid to set up this grave"

"Now now thats not a way to talk to the person who paid to set up this grave"

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