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A tall figure started approaching you two

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A tall figure started approaching you two. A very familiar tall figure.

You felt yourself tense up, Kazuha also seemed too notice your shaky hands which he held onto, instantly calming you down.

Childe stood infront of the grave near you guys, looking down lost in thought - almost like he was searching for words before he then cleared his throat, breaking the painful silence.

"Y/n and Kazuha, you guys may never forgive me but I apologise, I never agreed with Scara's plans but he was blackmailing me believe it or not, I decided to pay for the grave and all funeral services as an apolog-" Kazuha then interrupted the man.

"Childe, I personally believe in second chances and I am willing to start fresh, but I will leave forgiving you to y/n" You then looked over to Kazuha then to Childe, you felt so confused and conflicted yet you made your decision.

"I forgive you Childe, you were always good to me" You smiled at the man who then exchanged the smile and ran to hug him.

Childe accepted the hug and after you let go you asked him, "Wait what happened to scara"

"Solitary confinement which high security, even dottore can't get him out of that one" You sighed in relief then you heard footsteps approaching.

"AYAKA AND YOIMIYAA!!!" You almost screamed, running to the two who had smiled on their faces.

"Calm down y/n, did you forget this is a grave?" Ayaka hushed you but you ignored her as you jumped up and down with yoimiya.

"Now now calm down or I'll have you thrown out, hehe" Another figure approached, it was no other than Hu Tao.

"Hu Tao??? what are you doing here?" You asked in confusion to which she deadpanned. "Do you people ever keep up?? I work here dummy" She flicked your forhead to which you dramatically covered. "Im reporting you for client abuse" And she just smiled, walking up too Kazuha.

"Control your girlfriend" She teased but Kazuha played along, "Oh I will in some other ways" He grinned, glancing at you, you felt yourself melt. Literally.

"What... do you mean by that" You stuttered, feeling flustered, but he didn't respond instead he looked back down at the grave.

What a jerk.

Hu Tao then stepped forward, starting the ceremony as everyone gathered around, saying silent prayers and looking down at the grave in pity.

(Idk what happens in funerals, i've never been to one help)

Kazuha then stepped up, holding out his paper then reciting the words written out. It was his poem for Tomo.

You listened to each word, filled with emotion every word; every stanza ; every letter had some deep meaning and it nearly brought a tear to your eye.

At the end, you clapped the loudest then threw your arms around him. as he came back to you.

Suddenly, someone incredibly suprising came up, someone unexpected whom you didn't even notice - albedo.

"Albedo?! What are you doing here?" You asked in shock, to which he smiled.

"I came here to send my concerns and respect to Tomo, however now I think I'm here for other reasons" He carried on, his gaze now on Kazuha.

"Kazuha despite this being a farewell poem, It is amazing and has potential, perhaps as the bookclub we could use it as our piece for the national competition"

Kazuha then looked beyond delighted as he nodded, agreeing.

You looked so happy for him, you hugged him even tighter to the point he nearly suffocated then you both kissed to which coincidentally the moment your lips touched, raindrops started pouring from the cloudy sky.

This ended the ceremony as the two of you walked to the car, giving eachother one last kiss in the front seat before you drove back to your apartment.


A few days had passed and currently the entire bookclub were sat in the library for a meeting.

"Dear members" Albedo hushed everyone as he started, Kokomi sat next to him displaying Kazuha's work on the projector.

You sat next to Kazuha, leaning back on your chair while Kazuha was ready to explain his work, his leg slightly bouncing you were quick to notice and squeezed his hand which almost instantly calmed down.

After Kazuha was called up to present his work, he successfully delivered his speech and explained everything and everyone gave him a huge clap as he smiled then sat down as you put your arm around his neck.

Albedo then hushed everyone before saying he was going to send it to publish it.

"I'm certain we will win the competition" You assured as Kazuha just looked down with a small smile.

"I'm certain we will win the competition" You assured as Kazuha just looked down with a small smile

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