27 - flashback

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"Y/n hurry up you fucker"

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"Y/n hurry up you fucker"

Scaramouche yelled at you as he walked ahead, leaving you behind as always he was bossy and treated you as some rodent wandering on the streets.

You sighed moving forward, you had to keep up with him or else he would abandon you.

You had nobody else, no matter how ruthless scaramouche and his gang called 'fatui' were, they still felt like home to you.

Scaramouche looked back at you again, his eyebrow twitching this time, you froze. His eyebrow twitching always terrified you and sent shivers down your spine.

He then walked over, looking down at you before then bringing his hand out slapping you across the face.

You winced from the pain as your cheek stinged, now he started yelling at you, rubbing salt on the wound.

"You motherfucker, speed up are you obese I don't see you suffering from cardiac arrest so keep the speed I have a mission"

Of course as always he never valued your feelings and only weaponised you.

But then again, whats the reason for him to care?

You could barely let out words as you hung your head down in shame, Scaramouche wore his sadistic smile as always.

"Now get walking you fool" Scaramouche looked back once again before turning forward.

You simply followed him without another word, trying hard to not make a mistake.

You both reached the school, walking inside despite Scaramouches height he still managed to seem tall as he walked high with pride.

Compared  to him you felt like a molecule, a nobody.

His friend - well more like gang member, Childe then walked up to him.

"Hey scara, Hey y/n!" Childe waved to the both of you.

You had always liked childe, not as a lover but as a brother because of how nice he was to you despite his love for picking fights.

"This isn't like you to come up to me" Scaramouche crossed his arms, "Whats the deal?" He questioned.

Childe then dragged the shorter male away from the crowded hallway, to somewhere private you just tagged along as you'd probably get scolded anyways for walking away and 'betraying' them.

"Whats the deal ron weasley" Scara snapped, angered by childe dragging him like that.

"Did you not hear...." Childe began and now the curiosity was visible in scaramouche's eyes as he leaned in, you stood as a background character.

"Okay so, Kazuha spread a rumour about you and basically he tried picking a fight with your mother"

"What was the rumour" Scaramouche's  eyebrows twitching now, exactly like they did earlier.

"Something about you trying to destory him or you being a massive bitch i don't know about it"

Next thing you knew, Scaramouche flung open the door of the room, stomping his way into the corridor as you followed him into the hall.

It was still 30 minutes before class, you knew Kazuha and Scaramouche were friends and despite you never knowing Kazuha since you had no mutual classes, he seemed calm but you only heard about him through scaramouche so who were you to judge?

Or maybe childe made it up in need of a fight?

Scaramouche looked around the entire school, searching every packed hall as you ran behind almost about to collapse as you stood to get a breath.

"Its no use" Scaramouche said, mostly talking to himself rather than you.

"You didn't try the music room" You suggested and Scaramouche gave you a look, but it wasn't a nasty one.

"Thank you y/n! how could I not think of that room" Scaramouche praised you, which was rare so you smiled in return.

Scaramouche then went back to his furious, hateful self stomping again.

His stomping was so loud, it could cause an earthquake.

Then when we reached, the door was bashed open as Scaramouche made his way inside and sadly the male was sat there with Tomo.

"Hello there scara-" Kazuha greeted but was suddenly cut off with the fist hitting his mouth.

It was scaramouche's fist.

Then Tomo stuck his nose into the situation and thats where things got dirty and well he ended up in hospital and so on.

all you could do is watch.


A few days after the incident, you were furious, yes Scaramouche felt like family and he had an anger but this time he went too far.

Currently you were stomping your way down the corridor the same way Scaramouche did that day.

It turns out Kazuha hasn't turned up to school for weeks.

You go up to Scaramouche but you did something completely unexpected.

You slapped him.

"You bitch" You started yelling, "Who gave you the right to do such thing"

Scaramouche went red in the face, as everyone watched you go off.

"You think your all that but your nobody so act your fucking height, just because you have your silly friends  to get you out of shit like this, doesn't give you a right"

Tears filled your eyes as every word left your mouth, yes it was wrong, yes you hated what they did but it made you feel so guilty.

But you didn't know you'd forget about them next.

And from there your memories had all been taken from dottore, you woke up in a hospital bed told you were in a accident that gave you memory loss then you changed your appearance after being the reason Kazuha didn't recognise you.


"At first I thought y/n?! who's that sounds familiar but then it clicked after a while you did a great job changing yourself did you perhaps know... instinct works wonders" Scaramouche went on, not knowing you fainted.

 instinct works wonders" Scaramouche went on, not knowing you fainted

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