Living through the last few decades has served as a therapy for the Viking. It helped him conform to his nature. However, this did not lead him to forgive his creator. He was responsible for her unwanted future. He accepted the fact that he was invincible and traveled worlds. He explored continents. He hunted without remorse. Those who got in his way became victims. In a period when human traces still stained him, his demonic soul stopped to stabilize.
He found himself in one of the hottest and most remote parts of Asia. It didn't matter to him the exact location. So, he enslaved about thirty men to build a dome for him. Made directly from the ground. Since his little redoubt had been built secretly, determinedly located underground.
Every two nights he would appear from the neighboring country so as not to succumb to his thoughtless instincts to eliminate his recruit. In one of his attacks, he detected an aroma of acid and dense saffron. A long, menacing growl was heard. A not very big, bony hand dug its fingers into his neck. The grip blocked his vocal cords. The act didn't frighten him, he didn't need oxygen. Lying down, violently, against the sandy ground, he looked for whoever was holding him. He looked down at the orange-brown bent arm that stretched from the left side of his face to the top of his head. He tried to lift his chin so he could lean over and noticed a long dark hair that covered a female face with exposed fangs - a vampire. The honey iris, the color that symbolized naturalness, told him that intimidation was not yet considered harmful.
"Are you aware of the territory you invade?" Her voice sounded inhuman.
Orsmund held himself still and looked down. He thought that submissive behavior would save him from an uncomfortable situation. Her fist strength eased, and he gained a better visual range. She was squatting down. When he considered what he was going to do, she got up and took a step back. She wore an indigo blue sari. The fabric so fine showed its transparency. By her relaxed state it showed that she was not ashamed to convey the figure of her naked body. Especially in the area from her belly to her breasts where it was most evident.
"I'm just a walker." The Viking bowed in imitation of a bow. He exposed his neck as he frowned at her.
"Then go hunting in your house!" Her voice steadied.
"Do you understand me?" He stretched.
"Polyglot." She admitted.
"I cannot. I can't go hunting in my "home". "
"Normally, I don't care. However, it is curious to see someone like you! Here..." She was referring to his anatomy. "Why can't you hunt?"
"I don't trust my self-control."
"Don't you have a father?" She snapped.
"A father?"
"Yes, a father. The one who changed you." The corner of her lip lifted a little. She was beginning to despise him.
"That." He spat. "I don't want to learn anything from him!"
"How long?" She questioned his rebirth.
"A few decades ago." The Viking held her gaze to study her.
"Much more than that!" She withheld her own age from him. "If you help me in an attack, I'll teach you!"
"What do you want?"
"Attack The Brothers! I don't owe you more explanations! You will have my help in return!"
"Trust..." He shot the word into the air.
"These connections are not broken. If we submit to these bonds, we will obey them! Something you should be aware of when committing to someone of your kind. For this reason, these pacts are rare. Maybe it's a matter of honor. Does not matter! So far, no one has been able to explain why. We are unpredictable."
"You will have my support!"
"One drop is enough. Unless you allow your memories to be stolen." She laughed.
She pierced her index finger with her canine and brought her finger to his mouth for him to repeat to finish the exchange of blood.
"Rugui!" She introduced herself when her new ally turned his back on her after taking the deal.
"Orsmund!" He exclaimed over his shoulder and left.
By the third dusk, Rugui had tracked down the faint signs of Orsmund that had led her to an unfinished fortress. On a lone pillar sat the vampire she was looking for. Supposedly balanced. The chin resting on the bent right leg, firmly held by the fingers below intertwined with each other. The left leg swung back and forth defying gravity. In his peaceful face, his eyes remained confidently closed.
"Rugui." He greeted with a smooth nod.
She assumed his calm as permission to intrude on his territory. Barefoot, she shuffled along the floor, intentionally. She bent down and brought some of the organic matter she was stepping between her thumb and forefinger.
"We will stop postponing our pact." Orsmund jumped five paces from Rugui.
"No offering?" She ran her tongue over her upper lip looking around.
"My difficulties were previously presented. Here, I live at night, only with solitude. I am not opposed to anything being taken during your departure."
"Very well." She paced slowly, alternately moving her emerald, green sari back and forth. "Let's proceed."
"I believe that due to our alliance, new details will be revealed." Rugui just waved. "From what my intuition whispers in my ear, there must be a strong motive that leads someone to give in to a commitment of this level of importance. What did The Brothers take from you?"
"Half of me!" Her eyes sparkled. "My sister!"
"Why her?"
"It was a revenge attack. An attack aimed at me!" Orsmund gestured for her to continue. "I belonged to them a long time ago. They enslaved me in another life. They had big plans for me."
"Did you revolt against them when they changed you?"
"I didn't choose you because I identify with you. We have different pasts! Unlike you, I loved my creator! As a daughter loves a father!"
"Did you love?"
"The Brothers made sure that he wouldn't survive." She pressed her lips together, swallowing a sickening roar.

ParanormalThis story tells the life of a Viking warrior. His name is Orsmund and everything changes on a sea voyage. After being attacked by a demonic creature and watching the death of two of his children, he discovers that he is no longer human. He then fin...