"For your own good, you better not lie to me!" He groaned and stepped back to give her some space to examine her up and down.
"I do not know what's happening." She shuddered with shock.
"Allow me to recap." He interpreted certain thoughtful steps. "They've been assuring me that you haven't left this house for the last few weeks. And as you know, after we attended your father's summons to decide who would be worthy to marry you, the other heirs were illicit to court you. And I can prove that as soon as you were destined for me, they claimed never to get in our way! They wouldn't break the deal! In other words, something or someone holds you here! It's up to me to find out what or who!" He asserted. "Which is ironic... From the moment I'm asked to attend a meeting organized by a fair foreigner who thinks he has the authority to underestimate me. The same one that tries to fulminate me with acts and contradictions. To finally dare to mention your name. Aurora!" Indomitable, barbaric, and savage he pressed her face in his own hand. "And when I get here, I'm stopped by a group of men who want to forbid me to enter and visit you! Have you received him here in this room?" He coerced her more robustly. Grinded teeth. "I don't care if you cry! Answer me! Immediately!"
"No..." She wavered in a whisper. "I don't receive anyone here..." She stammered with transparent terror. "I don't know that foreigner..." She sobbed.
"I told you not to lie to me!" He lost his temper and slapped her hard.
Aurora burst into tears and whimpers. Duarte would continue with the aggressions if it weren't for the guy who broke down the door who, thoughtlessly, punched the aggressor. The individual who came to Aurora's defense had suffered a painful sting from those who were escorting Duarte. They immobilized him and waited for the decision of their leader who ordered them to take him outside.
"I'll deal with you later!" He manifested with the intention of intimidating her and followed the servers.
Aurora faltered in panic. She slid to the floor in dismay. Only crying consoled her.
Night fell and it brought with it the vampire's free will trapped in its inert form. Orsmund brightened with the intuition of a strange hunch. Since his transformation he had no recollection of dreams or nightmares. He felt a suffocation that didn't belong to him. He had never experienced such a sensation. He awoke from a suffocation so painful that it made him feel dragged into a dark abyss. The imaginary anguish caused him a mysterious belief about a deep lake. He found himself tied in the deep waters by sea monsters that swam and snaked around him. They hum, ominously, very close to your ears for just one name.
"Aurora!" The mingled fear and fury unsettled him.
It could be surreal facts. However, he would not ignore them and went forward to check. He avoided contact with other people and infiltrated deserted streets. Near the mansion he came across the presence of some men who served as guards. A bitter rage shot through his veins like a never-ending poison. Deliberately, he deprived them one by one of identifying him. They remained at their posts like hallucinating statues. He moved suddenly to the porch and surveyed the scene of darkness that encompassed her. She was writhing on the floor with her arm hiding her face.
"Aurora!" He barked against the glass that divided them.
Aurora craned her neck in disorientation. Without hesitation, she ran desperately towards him and clumsily opened the door. Orsmund studied her. Plunged into obscurity, the purplish circles around her eyes stood out. Eyes, these, which were sensibly swollen and red. Eyelids heavy and inflamed. The blood vessels perceptibly visible in that area indicated the degree of dehydration. What infuriated him was the bruise around his cheekbone. The young woman held out her hand and, momentarily, regretted it as she let herself into a wave of tension.
"You can't be here." She whispered in a fragile timbre. "They're watching me! You cannot be seen here!" She looked down.
"Don't worry!" He proclaimed, sweetly.
"It's not me I'm worried about!" Her eyes were watering again.
"I can assure you that I won't be caught! I blinded them, so to speak..."
"Please come in!" She gasped as she broke the invisible barrier that separated them.
Orsmund staggered slightly at the unexpected invitation. After hesitating, he confirmed what he had just heard. Determined, he went on, dominated by desire and protection. He surrounded her in a tender, graceful cuddle. Then he rested his lips on hers. To later lean both foreheads on each other while looking at each other calmly. Suddenly, the vampire shook his head. He had finally concluded that he acted without thinking. Without measuring consequences. He underestimated humans as he played with them. And who got away with these unusual inferences? Grerft!
"I'll finish them off!" He let himself be consumed by anger. "I urged them to preserve you from any harm!"
"Now I understand." She whispered to herself before looking at her lover. "There was nothing they could do! They tried to block him from entering! They don't have to pay for anything! Duarte was not alone! And when he managed to get past them, he came into this room and locked us both in! Despite this, that man who entered here will be executed! He broke down the door and stopped him from continuing to attack me! He gave his life for me! Can't you help him?"
"No!" He turned his face. "Unfortunately, it would raise too many suspicions. In addition to those that already exist! What I can do is go after this Duarte..."
"No!" She redirected his delicate face to look him in the eye. "So soon, he won't bother me again! Believe! I know him!"
"Still..." Sighed as he lightly touched her recent wound. "I will not prolong my plans any longer. I will put my strategies into action. I want you to prepare for our escape! It will be soon, I promise you! And remember, if it doesn't go well for me, someone will be sent to take you away from here in time! And I want you to promise me that you won't contest!"
"I promise I'll run away with you!" She kissed him, long. "Stay with me!" She pleaded. "I need to feel whole! Make me feel complete!" She took his hand and placed it on her chest. "Fill this void that tears my chest! Constantly, I feel it tearing... ends with this torture..." She pleaded between affections capable of feeding the lecherous appetite.
Orsmund fixed his tempting gaze on hers. He made her walk backwards. Seductively, he took her by the thighs and settled her on the mattress after removing her nightgown. In this brief period, the moon has positioned itself at a new angle. The mirror caught the image and projected it across the room. The entire room filled with silver light as if magic illuminated them. Naked, the Viking knelt between the sweet girl's parted legs. She who bent her knees even more as her throat went dry with lust. Orsmund ran his hand under her right ankle and brought it up to make her stretch her leg. He brushed his tongue over her foot and sucked on her fingers. Such a penetrating, intense sensation that made her hunched her shoulders.
"Show me... show me what you really are. Please!" She moistened her lips. "I promise... I promise I won't scream except in rage..."

ParanormalThis story tells the life of a Viking warrior. His name is Orsmund and everything changes on a sea voyage. After being attacked by a demonic creature and watching the death of two of his children, he discovers that he is no longer human. He then fin...