"A few days before the scheduled date of the expiration of my humanity, the one who would become my creator appeared accompanied by a vampire. According to his physical appearance, he was transformed at a very old age, and she was young and beautiful." Rugui's words sweetened. "She and I met and loved each other in the first few minutes. She revealed that she wanted me. Two nights later she brought our father with her. He explained to me how my life would change. And I couldn't ask for anything better. At that time, they knew The Brothers better than I did. They knew why the two brothers wanted me. Let's say magic flows through me. A special power of vision. And this subject ends here. As for what happened next... They transferred me in secret during my transition. I woke up in a new world. They showed me so many realities. One day we were passing by The Brothers intercepted us. He sacrificed himself so the two of us could get away."
"When did they catch her?"
"Some weeks ago. When we ran away, I thought the right decision would be to go back. Keep the enemy close." She muttered. "We installed ourselves here seven decades ago. I learned to keep the enemy close until the right moment of combat. Only now do I wonder where I failed. I will not forgive myself if I fail to rescue my sister!"
"And what led to the attacks being aimed at you?"
"They blame me! They claim that I volunteered when in fact I belonged to them. They promised to destroy me for my audacity and daring. And so, it will be if you don't stop them."
"Where is she?"
"In their fort. A building inspired by the pyramids of Egypt. I know all the corridors and their secrets! I know exactly where they chained her! I know what they do to her!" She closed her eyes and raised her face to the temperature of the morning. "The power I have sings to me sadly what they do to her. I have a connection to that place. I'll tell you how to get there, but first I'll help you strengthen your self-control. You will need it!" She left with the hunting instinct.
From Rugui's manner of farewell, Orsmund knew that it would be more fitting to wait for her visit. So, it happened.
Rugui brought with her two slender human girls. She ordered them to wait and went on to Orsmund.
"I brought them to test your self-control. As I promised you!" Indicated.
"Who are they?" He lifted his chin.
"Does it matter? They're human born to feed us and that's all we need to know. Your education was not the best. A humanized vampire... You must improve that behavior!" She wrinkled her nose and lifted her upper lip. "Ok, initially, we were born of the human species. However, we are different from them! Even without emotions. Our lack of fear... lack of remorse... Do I need to number? Someone needs a good teaching class." She laughed to herself. "Don't shame our species! Remember!" She exclaimed. "We are superior! I look at you and see that you were a strong man. That should have made you a monster!"
Rugui backed up to the two victims. In each one she massaged their shoulders. Both of their hair was pulled back into a tight bun to show off their necks. The vampire moved even closer and brushed her tongue against the back of her neck.
"Watch how they vibrate for us!" She urged in a hoarse and misshapen voice of reddish irises.
Orsmund took a step back at the unexpected heady aroma. He ground his teeth in a disconcerting threat.
"Calm down!"
The authoritative tone imposed by Rugui made him relax his shoulders. And he stopped himself from breathing.
"Use force. Don't let the desire engulf you completely."
"What do I do with her?" He avoided looking, directly.
"Balances satiety and desire. Don't let gluttony command you. Relax! Don't blame yourself for what hasn't even happened yet! Know yourself. Come here!" She pulled his wrist, so it touched one of the girls. "Sit down! Read your own signs! They will eventually talk to you. Don't be shy! Surrender to instinct and power!"
In a slow movement he exposed his teeth and tore the epidermis. He let the small noise release his slumbering momentum inside. The fluid warmed him. He hadn't felt this hot since the massacre. About to open his eyes to ambition, he did not let himself be surrendered. He intended to fight this inexorable spectrum.
It was as if his name was spoken by a woman. It sounded like a breath in his ear. A light whisper, soft and comforting.
"Did you call me?" He dropped the girl he had in his arms and lifted her head.
"Nobody here, spoke." Rugui replied with dilated pupils surrounded by a cherry red. "You were magnificent! Beautiful! You stimulated the thirst in me!" She moistened her lips. "You can continue." She waved.
"I'm fine!" He backed away with hesitant steps.
"You know you can seal the wound with your saliva. Even prevent them from dying, depending on the gravity. Helps to heal the artery. Rehabilitating." She advised. "They're compelled by me." She indicated. "I'll take them with me. Then we tried something new." She turned her back and her helpful servants followed her, automatically.
Rugui appeared once again dressed in one of his transparent saris. The gold adapted to her body camouflaged her in that dry landscape. The flames that lit the place painted the area in different intensities of roasted coffee.
"What is the night awaiting me?" Commented Orsmund without diverting his attention from his own sketches of architectural projects.
In a timid approach, which made the sound of the bracelets on Rugui's ankle sound like an inhibited chuckle and, without fear, Rugui massaged his bare and tense forearm on the warm rock that still held the solar heat that it would lose in the darkness.
"A wild hunt!" She simply rubbed her mouth over his earlobe after having stretched towards him leaning on his shoulder to get there in relation to her size.
Orsmund concentrated on her carefully. Mouth parted and thirsty. Abruptly, he grabbed her by the back of her head, forcing her to show her throat. Rugui shuddered to expel a choked moan.
"I fear I cannot satisfy that pleasure of yours for which you complain." She laughed even feeling the weight of the Viking's body on her that threatened to isolate her.
Orsmund, his face inches from hers, stared at her in bewilderment. Through her eyes he watched his own blood reflection. The monster that struggled to show itself out of his skin. He pulled away from her and dodged as if in a desperate breath for oxygen. He turned away without bothering to regret what he had done. He just tried to take over the self-control.

ParanormalThis story tells the life of a Viking warrior. His name is Orsmund and everything changes on a sea voyage. After being attacked by a demonic creature and watching the death of two of his children, he discovers that he is no longer human. He then fin...