Driven by physical hunger, Orsmund deliberated. He considered accepting the audacity and taking advantage of the remaining hours before dusk. He wandered into the dawn and sniffed. At that moment his choices would have to be generalized. He rummaged through the crisscross scents for the most profane of females who crossed those paths regularly. Identified what he intended, he followed it like a bird seeking its bird in mating season. His path took him to a miserable shack. He hovered around it and managed to differentiate between six scents present. Two adults: a man and a woman. Four children: three boys and one girl. There were only three windows within easy reach for an assailant should he so appear. However, for a vampire there would have to be a permit.
The woman he was looking for with the long, wavy, rust-colored hair was sleeping soundly beside a man dyed by a burnt brunette. The woman's lightly tanned skin was marred by some scars and bruises. There was a bruise on her left cheek and others along her arms. A scar that came under her neck caught his attention. It extended to the shoulder that was covered by clothing. He intended to call her without waking up the other inhabitants. He was left to admire her.
A young woman was running through the sand valleys. She wore a simple white dress. The cloth fluttered in the breeze. She ran without looking back. She was running in hope towards a wide river. When she reached it she dropped her garments and swam to the opposite side in search of freedom. Orsmund was surprised. For feeling the desert heat dehydrating his cells and for being untouched under the incident sunlight. He felt human. Distracted by the phenomenon, he saw the woman on the other side standing and looking him in the eye. It was at this moment that he realized that he was in her unconscious. Living one of her dreams. When he returned to reality, he brought her with him. Silently, as she lay on the bed, she continued to look at him. It was then that he realized that she had been under the power of his compulsion since they found themselves in the river. He didn't break this connection and, moved by curiosity, he called her, surreptitiously. Submissive, she gave in to the summons immediately. Barefoot without making any noise, she reached the window. Here was Orsmund's opportunity to elucidate her and allow her to enter. However, the sun threatened with the proximity of its presence. That said, the vampire was forced to abandon his victim for another hunt and returned to his habitat.
"Osmund, concentrate!" Rugui exasperated. "What's wrong with you?"
"Feels frustrated with the night before." Tahísa commented with malice.
"Yeah. It was the night before." He confessed. "It wasn't your fault." He muttered through his teeth.
"Since what we are doing is being a waste of time..." Rugui crossed her legs. "Tell us what bothers you."
"Yes, you left me wanting..." Tahísa couldn't resist laughing at his words. "Therefore, I was unable to stabilize myself. So, I took advantage of the last period that dawn had at my disposal. I guided myself by my sense of smell and headed towards the human woman who gave off a fragrance of aromatic essences that would be competent enough to persuade the definition of the vivacity of freshness."
"I asked what happened. Not to include us in the hunt or make us greedy!" Rebuked Rugui. "Only what disturbs you... Not to disturb us!"
"All right!" He shook his head. "Never..." He screwed up his face. "I've never invaded anyone's dreams. Is it possible?"
"Oh, that." Rugui hid her laugh. "Yes, it is possible. Humans are receptive to certain moments of sleep. Compulsion is not as effective as when you are awake."
"She woke up and I kept her under my control. I commanded her. I made her approach the window..."
"Please tell me not to urge her to let you in." Tahísa tilted her torso back due to excessive amusement. "What I paid for it."
"No!" Orsmund's voice grew hoarse. There was a red glow in his eyes. A roar of irritation accumulated between his lungs and sent a vibration along the taut muscles.
"Enough!" Rugui interposed. "He's inexperienced. Here, no one is to blame that he was neglected!" She placed both hands on her waist impatiently. "Tahísa! Orsmund!"
The vampire looked, seriously, into the eyes of each who positioned themselves in an attack reaction. The mastery she imparted to them made them step back and realize that they were acting hot-headed. All that environment of territorial sovereignty was an asset to retreat from an aimless struggle.
"We were apprentices too!" Rugui replied.
Silence settled.
"It would do you no good if you urged her to gain access to the interior of the house." Rugui continued. "It would have to be a free decision taken by her! An autonomous action!"
"Stay registered!" The Viking prolonged his expiration.
"If you want to take her, keep her for yourself as a back-up meal, you can schedule her. Rare are those of our species that violate our properties. You can consider this as a code."
"And what would I have to do?" Showed curiosity.
"Offer her a small portion of your blood." Suggested.
"And if I want to omit what I am? She will have access to my memories..."
"No. They're not like us. They don't have enough capacity to absorb our essence. They will not undergo any alteration or mutation. Unless..."
"Unless you want to transform her. If you increase the dose of your blood in her system, they will be able to communicate telepathically. Since you will command this skill acquired through the connection of both. It is in fact a consequence that precedes the relationship between the creator and the child."
"Can I control her thoughts?"
"No. Even if you practice during dreams, it will only be an illusion. You can do it for fun. In fact, that's what humans are for. Satisfy us and entertain us. Then there are those exceptions that convince us to make them what we are."
Tahísa bored with their conversation, the two of them, she got up and turned away. She left without saying a parting word. Orsmund looked over at Rugui, her body language showing no agitation.
"Everything is, ok?" He squinted his eyes.
"What can I say?" She gasped. "We are superior to emotions. But if we surrender, unconsciously..." She shrugged, distracted. "Love can be a destructive weapon!"
"I'll have to agree!" He looked at the stars. "It is for the love that was excised from me that motivates me to a fair revenge. Love and hate." He muttered.

ParanormalThis story tells the life of a Viking warrior. His name is Orsmund and everything changes on a sea voyage. After being attacked by a demonic creature and watching the death of two of his children, he discovers that he is no longer human. He then fin...