"Can we go? It's time!" Mergh helped Eva off the horse's back.
When they arrived at Mergh's brother's house, there was a fragrance in the air that could make anyone's mouth water. As they entered, two girls younger than Yure were playing happily.
"They're my nieces. Yuly and Jeyni."
The two children looked up at the names and ran to join them. He kissed them on the cheek excitedly. Laughing, they looked at Eva and uttered some words that were unrecognizable to her. Mergh laughed.
"They said you had very beautiful hair."
"Oh, sweethearts." She said when she saw them running to another room.
Eva allowed herself to be guided down the hall to the kitchen where an older man, although very similar to Mergh, was putting the dishes on the table.
"This is my brother Brengh." They greeted each other with nods. "The wife is not here. She left this week for her sister's house. The mother has been sick..."
"I hope she gets better!" She wished improvements.
"Let's hope so!" He sighed. "Go, sit down!" He indicated one of the chairs.
As soon as she sat down, Brengh called out to his children. Without delay, Yure appeared accompanied by his little sisters and smiled at Eva. Politely, they sat on each chair and began to eat when their father allowed them to. Mergh excused himself from Eva and struck up a conversation with his brother in their mother tongue. Happy children communicated with her through gestures. Dinner ended and the dialogue between the two brothers continued, arousing interest in Eva even though she did not understand them. Yure went to get a bunch of sheets of paper that were scattered around and some pencils. While the other two talked, they continued to express themselves this time with colorful drawings. Among them, they were mostly just animated figures.
"I'm sorry I left you out!" Mergh was sorry when they left. "I really needed to have this conversation with my brother! He also asked me to apologize for him!"
"There was no problem! I understand!" She calmed. "The little ones were extraordinary! Even having met them that way. So do not worry! It was a magnificent evening! I would repeat it!"
Early in the morning they gathered the essential tools to defend themselves from a probable ambush. It didn't always happen however all care is little. The boy was excited and, for this reason, was reprimanded at certain times along the way. Due to his behavior, they stopped almost 1.300 feet away from the expected. They got off the horses and Mergh ordered him to watch over them without foolishness, otherwise he would punish him severely.
Forewarned, Eva really felt like she was in a passage of time. They didn't live in houses. They lived in tents and two huts on the border. As she walked there, she got to know the characteristics of that discreet and cautious village. They reminded her of the old tribes she had studied. Mergh was ahead because he was considered one of the regular visitors. They passed a tall, dark-haired young adult with long, dark, wavy hair that outlined his bare torso. There was an exchange of words. This one took them to another hut on the other side of the territory. The seeds inside the small gourd strapped to his waist rattled as they walked.
"We're going to the healer." Explained Mergh. "I think she is the most appropriate person for your case."
In front of the recipient, a thin black upholstery dyed with uniform and alternating red stains protected the entrance. The guide extended his left arm, hinting to advance. Unfolding the cloth, they found a cloud of smoke. They heard the rattle of objects and were guided by the sound. It was an old woman who threw dry bones on wood. She was less than five feet tall. It was possible to confirm her age, extremely progressive by the excessive wrinkled and mottled skin. The cataracts clouded her retina. She had braided her long gray-white hair. Mergh explained to her the reason for their presence. After the explanations, the woman invited Eva to kneel with her. She smiled at her and took her hand. As a result of the touch, the healer was surprised. She opened her eyes wildly and with her free hand stifled a scream. Restless and desperate, she waved her arms. Trembling, she pushed them outside, uttering foreign words. It was possible to see how upset she was.
"What was that?" Eva complained in a low voice.
"She said cursed." He sighed. "She doesn't want you back. She will not contribute to your research."
"Isn't there anyone else capable around here?"
"We can try..." He looked around. "They won't make it easy for you. They are dominated by superstition."
The sun was crossing the sky at the same time as the search for the two strangers. They started by being shaken. They did not grant their requests. They turned their backs on them and ended up distancing themselves and hiding from that pair.
"I'm sorry." Mergh saw the blue lose its vivacity. "We must go."
"Maybe it's not the best place."
"We can't waste any more minutes. We'll catch the night."
Back at the starting point, they found the kid playing with the stones. He jumped up. Excited, to put an end to his annoyance. He was again warned because the return required the most rigorous attention. As they moved, Eva saw a small flash in the distance. She leaned to the side and saw the traces of a human body, sprawling, powerful.
"Mergh!" She called him.
He responded to her appeal right away. The horse was startled and shook him. The stranger moved in a leap on Eva that threw her against the rocks. The impact she took on the back of her head disoriented her. A set of sounds bewildered her senses. Suddenly, the weight on her disappeared.
"YURE!" Mergh yelled out of control.
The image of that bald and, surprisingly, pale man didn't leave Eva's head. When she recovered, she watched the scene. Yure tried to free her from the attacker with a wooden stick. Which caused his own death. That savage took all his life in a mere second. He was not a man, but a demon suffering from a disgusting metamorphosis. Mergh succumbed to shock. He fought back with violence building up inside him. What he was unaware of was the opponent's supernatural power. It resulted in a serious wound suffered by the very dagger with which he defended himself, in the abdomen. His knees buckled to the ground tears flowed. He mourned the death of his nephew. He fixed his gaze on the boy's corpse and whispered loose words that to those who didn't know them, he would know they were beautiful and tender. The monster refused to resist the urge to gorge itself on the thick liquid inside its system. Spurred on by cruelty, he shattered his skull. For the first time, fear suffocated her. Eva shivered causing him to look at her. A hideous pair of eyes highlighted by a blinding hue. Spilled blood dripped from his mouth. He flashed her a libido-enhancing smile. Now that he was minimally sated, he was able to tolerate the thirst and enjoy a harrowing torture and pleasure. By usurping her, he was invested with a surprise blow. He was punctured in the stomach by the stick. Exceeded by anger, he threw her causing her to lose consciousness. Fortunately, a group of invaders, who came to occupy the land, spared her from the further aggression. Properly equipped, with weapons adapted and evolved, they captured him.

ParanormalThis story tells the life of a Viking warrior. His name is Orsmund and everything changes on a sea voyage. After being attacked by a demonic creature and watching the death of two of his children, he discovers that he is no longer human. He then fin...