Eva woke up in a brightly lit, white-painted room. Silence followed her. It wasn't a very big division. Well, there was only a large area for a bed where she was lying and for a chair propped up in the corner. From what she saw and smelled, all this atmosphere that surrounded her made her imagine herself in an internment establishment, only without those usual devices. She sat up as she searched for possible memories hidden in her mind. Halfway through their investigation, a man broke through the door. Thirty-two years old, with a clean beard, he wore military camouflage pants and a tight-fitting black T-shirt. The color of the shirt highlighted the color of his eyes. Almost as black as onyx.
"Oh! Glad you woke up! Give me a minute, I'll call our nurse."
He left briefly, leaving the door behind him almost open. Eva leaned over to peer through the narrow opening into a well-lit hallway. The man returned and sat down in the only chair there. He rested his elbows on his spread knees, laced his fingers together, and leaned forward.
"Here she comes!" He raised an eyebrow at the door.
A woman near his age entered. She wore a similar uniform and had pulled her hair into a neat ponytail.
"Hello, Eva! My name is Maria Ana!" She introduced herself with enormous sympathy and a shy smile.
Eva allowed her to take the exam and couldn't help but notice the thin necklace that held a fragile stone the same shade as her irises. A greenish brown. The individual held at the other end did not move or speak. However, he didn't look away from them. He remained attentive to any sign. Maria Ana ended her role to say that everything was in order and said goodbye.
"By the way, I'm João. And, yes, everyone around here knows your name. I think you may have a whirlwind of questions and I'm here to answer them." He clarified.
"Yes. I want to know how long I've been here."
"Two and a half days."
"Is this some hospital?"
"No. Not even in the shadows." He intended to explain it to her in a way that was understandable so she wouldn't go on with doubts. "Well. After what you experienced, you must have learned that there are creatures beyond the imagination." He pulled his hands away. "We are in one of the secret cells for vampire hunters. I can tell you how we operate." And he informed her of the crucial points about the fighters and how they controlled those they imprisoned.
"Do they arrest them here?"
Watching the transparent jumble of thoughts itself, he opted to step outside for a few minutes to give her space to reason. Consequently, she returned to being alone to assimilate the situation. Reflecting that the vampire was similar to her nightmare in terms of transformation. She thought they could solve her riddle. She, on impulse, threw the blankets to the side and left the room, confirming that she was dressed in a clean tracksuit, she went looking for João.
"I want to see them!" She asked.
"Then come with me."
They went to another door nearby, leading to a room three times the size of the room they'd been in. In that place was the team in general. Most men wore the same clothes. João explained Eva's condition. After a detailed evaluation they decided to give in to her request. With the requirement to be escorted by a group with a minimum of three people. With João included. Eva agreed to their rules and went down after them. When they reached the bottom, she gave them her utmost attention. Soon, they mentioned that the cages were individual and constituted by an armored glass. There were only five enclosures, four of which were occupied. In the center of each were the chained prisoners. It wasn't the chains that held them immobile, it was the traps set. If the lock was pulled, they would automatically trigger an explosion that projected extremely sharp splinters of wood. That said, during the visit Eva froze. Open-mouthed, she didn't want to believe it. The visitor from her nightmare was kneeling before her. He too was amazed and in a split second he was back to normal.
"It's, ok?" Interrogated one of the guards. She nodded and tried not to show her disturbed state.
"Don't trust them!"
A voice, seductively, gravelly, penetrated Eva's consciousness.
"Don't talk about your dream! It wasn't a dream!"
Eva reversed course slightly, not realizing the possibility of that means of communication. She ignored what had happened and saw the creature that almost killed her again. He was out, so she reassured herself and wanted to hurry before he opened his eyes. Back in the room, she was told that they were responsible for the burial of Mergh and Yure. The formerly torpid revolt made her want to join this unit. She asked that they teach her with more intensified training to contribute to the extermination of these demons.
"I just don't see an explanation for keeping them alive..." Accused Eva.
"The ones we keep serve as experimental ones." Instructed João. "We still have a lot to study about them. We have weapons that need to be modified. And tests have been carried out for possible medicinal cures. Don't worry! We will reveal all the information to you in stages."
Influenced by the choice, they proposed psychological examinations throughout the week. Which resulted in great qualifications. To reward her, they allowed her to circulate in the building without restrictions. After all, these past seven days she obeyed all limitations. She followed the strict rules. Leaving the structure was prohibited for those who had not yet started physical training that took place in the open field. Therefore, she only moved from her room to the psychology section. And from the section to the bedroom. Meals came to her room. Except for a limited period. At the end of the afternoon to go to the spas. In contribution to her personal hygiene. So she wandered around the cages. She walked, slowly, close to the one where her attacker was. Both exchanged vengeful glances. Then she crossed her arms in front of the occupant of her dreams. The previous nights she didn't remember dreaming. He smiled at her, sweetly.
"I told you it wasn't a dream. Do you want me to let you know?"
She waved.
"Since we won't be interrupted."
He looked up.
"We are connected. I must admit that I thought you were dead. That dawn when I saw you... You reminded me of my daughter Trova. When I was human, I belonged to a Viking family. I, Orsmund, annihilated my creator for forbidding me to live. I lived in solitude for centuries and participated in conflicts for fun and food. Glad you survived. I can transform you, finally. Do you feel this force that pulls us? I must complete the transition. You will be my child. I never intended to kill you. The compulsion wiped out true memory. You agreed with me! You asked me to take you. You wanted a new change."
He sighed.
"You have a proportion of my blood that has strengthened you. Therefore, I can break the barrier of your thoughts. I've been in prison for eight years. They were the ones who stopped and imprisoned me. They're not hunters! They're a bunch of sick amateur junkies! Nor humans they defend. Allow me to travel in your memories. Oh, yes. They always controlled you, shamelessly. They could have prevented the deaths of those two you consider innocent."

ParanormalThis story tells the life of a Viking warrior. His name is Orsmund and everything changes on a sea voyage. After being attacked by a demonic creature and watching the death of two of his children, he discovers that he is no longer human. He then fin...