Harmand lunged forward with the intention of hitting his brother. But he was hit by three men. Orsmund felt the choking empty grip of suppression. However, without a doubt, the freedom compensated him to overcome this pain. Those present reflected a feeling of aversion. A little hesitantly, they tried to surround him. He was not going to stay and never help Harmand who had been immobilized by one of the traps.
"I always warned him that you were not to be trusted!" Harmand roared. "And he insisted on giving you the benefit of the doubt." Orsmund was about to turn his back and leave him at the mercy of those humans. "I may have been late. But just know you'll get your change. Your dear Aurora..."
Orsmund struck the men in front of him putting them out of action in a beautiful choreography. The others were blocked by the induced panic.
"What do you mean by that?" The voice grew hoarse.
"It's obvious that I chased you here! I watched you for two nights. I came close to figuring out what you were doing. I could have avoided all this if Grerft hadn't ordered me to stay away. I arrived at the cemetery before you because he called me. And instead of allowing me to get him out of here, he persuaded me to finish you off! Goodbye, Aurora!" He shouted. "A little stubborn. She didn't want to leave without you."
Blinded by rage, the Viking launched himself at him and broke both of his arms.
"Come on!" Harmand's slurred voice overcame the torture. "Finish me off! Because you can be sure that I will chase you to the end of the world! I will not kill you! I won't make it easy for you..."
About to silence Harmand, Orsmund was stabbed in the back. He roared and ran away. He needed to confirm what had happened to Aurora. Out of control, he entered the porch which, strangely, was open and slammed into the wall. Aurora was lying on the bed and dressed in a simple beige dress adorned with small ruffles. The vampire swallowed hard. Very carefully he approached her. Absolute silence caressed her. Gently, he took her icy hand for fear of breaking her. He took care of her like a porcelain doll. Serenity robbed her of eternal sleep. He brushed his fingertips over her rosy-free cheek. He bent over in sadness and kissed her on the nose while his own eyes blazed with red flames. He left in a painful farewell. With the entire interior shaking in an explosive collapse. He would have to move on no matter what it took. By this time, the men would have dealt with Harmand. And that was of little interest to him. Without goals he would surrender to the suggestions that fate had to offer him.
The first month of mourning for Aurora was completed. Orsmund decided to honor her. He emerged from the recent grave where he had chosen to spend the night and, before picking the flowers he had previously chosen, began the vulgar process of shaking her body. Preferably before getting dressed. During the cleaning of the sandy remains of the soil, a familiar silhouette appeared. Open-mouthed, imagining it to be a deceiving sight. A mirage. He stumbled backwards. This had been one of his most remarkable surprise attacks.
"Aurora?" He fell to his knees.
"My darling!"
Her voice was sharper, and her body swayed with less discipline. Although with greater sensuality. She had lost the innocence and shyness of the past. The dress made of the finest fabric was shorter than the ones she used to wear. Her thin straps went unnoticed over her bare shoulders. The hem almost came up to her waist. The contrast of two colors was divine. The white of her skin and dress with the black of her hair and eyes became a heavenly mixture. The Viking thought he was witnessing the appearance of an angelic figure. Barefoot ran to him. This one, he wrapped his arms around her and laid his head against her belly. He breathed in dismay.

ParanormalThis story tells the life of a Viking warrior. His name is Orsmund and everything changes on a sea voyage. After being attacked by a demonic creature and watching the death of two of his children, he discovers that he is no longer human. He then fin...