Sitting in his usual place, Orsmund smiled, surreptitiously, as he heard hurried footsteps from outside. The young boy's heart was pounding. He bent over the counter, catching his breath. Raimundo, who was watching him out of the corner of his eye as he cleaned a mug, threw the rag over his shoulder, and approached.
"Hey, boy! Here, some water!" He put the drink on the wooden top. "Tell me what brought you, Dário." He bowed, grimly. He bent his right arm, leaning on it.
"Someone spotted him!" He took a long breath.
"It didn't kill anyone, did it?" He frowned.
"No." He drank another sip. "The gravedigger claimed he was in the cemetery! The demon!"
"Speak quietly!" He warned.
"He blew up the catacomb!" He pushed the mug to return it. "They gave me some coins to come here and bring you some information." The smile brightened. "Today at the same time. Down there."
"Message received. Now get out of here!" He shook with his hand.
"Obviously. I'm going to try to get out of an ear-pulling. If my mother catches me at least these coins are worth the punishment." And he ran away.
Orsmund disguised his own reaction and seemed distracted when Raimundo closed the distance to the table. The tavern keeper exchanged the mug in front of him for another to cover up what they were debating.
"Let's have another meeting! Same hour! Tonight!" He asserted and turned his back.
The discussion was on. Not everyone agreed. Some voted to go on to the fight. Others to postpone it.
"No more wasting time!" Orsmund was exalted. "What else is needed? To train? Train for what? To the unknown? Follow my instructions!"
"This is insane!" Duarte boiled.
"Insane, is it? Until when? Are we going to wait for a new victim, so you get horny to defend yourselves?" Cut Orsmund. "You bastards! He will take this land and you can't do anything!"
There were repeated murmurs and nods.
"I told you!" He continued. "We won't have a better chance than this until next month! Believe me! The moon also influences it! And with a full moon, the more vulnerable he will be! Is he extremely thirsty? Yes! But weak for sure! At the beginning of twilight, we will invade the catacomb!"
"Yes! We need to attack!" Pointed Raimundo. "With all due respect!" He leaned towards Duarte. "We could also be risking Aurora's life." Duarte and Orsmund's eyes sparkled. This last sentence would have been manipulated by the vampire.
"I'll round up the men in the morning!" Hector intervened subtly.
"In that case we can stamp the document that confirms our alliances. As soon as we sign it." Document required by Duarte.
Mauro placed the paper on the table, which ran through all their hands. The Viking can't help but smile inside. According to the big title, he was a member of the main founders of the self-proclaimed group: "Demon Hunters". He initialed the sheet and handed it over.
This time, Raimundo remained in the basement until everyone left. For the reason of avoiding another fight between Duarte and Orsmund like in the last confrontation. It was now or never. The vampire ran towards his master. He rejected the importance of reasoning. If it had to be, it would collect with all the consequences of its failures. He could, above all, consider that the man he had compelled would guide Aurora to a better life. For a future of new opportunities.
"They are organizing a trap!" Shouted the vampire.
"Are you sure about that?" Grerft lifted his upper lip.
"I heard them very well! I know exactly where they are and what they prepare! Right now!"
"Take me there! And it's good that it all makes sense!"
The two left without delay and stopped at the Fragqua cemetery. Where they searched it, thoroughly.
"Tell me you're playing with me!" Grerft chided. "In addition to the smell of humans, I only detect yours! After all these years, have you gone insane? In all my life I never thought..."
"It could be the work of a witch! Hide the scent from them so we can't find them."
"Oh yeah? Now it intrigues me!" Encouraged.
"There!" Mentioned Orsmund surrounding himself with Grerft.
"There what? What do you think..." The impatience was growing. The time had come to claim and put his rambunctious offspring in place.
"Ambush!" Orsmund whispered in his ear and broke his neck.
He dragged the old vampire's dead body into the catacomb. He was grateful for just being able to feel his death if that was the case. So, he was far from warning by Harmand. Morning was approaching, and to delay Grerft's recovery, the Viking broke his bones. From arms and legs to ribs that purposely punctured his lungs. Therefore, so that humans would not suspect, before the extermination, he compelled a woman who lived dependent on the night in one of the neighboring cities. He'd goaded himself like an inexperienced client to lure her into her trap. He took her to a light-free alley, away from the most prying eyes and made her fall into hypnosis. The vampire invoked her unconscious, inducing her into a deep trance. He carried the sleeping body in his arms, deprived of consciousness, and brought her underground with him. They settled in an ancient cave for the next several hours with the absolute belief that the woman would not be able to wake up on her own. When he sensed the transition to dusk, impetuous, he ceased with the human's faint, lethargic heartbeats. And he moved to the meeting point with a strange growing regret. It was his mentor's call. On the way to the cemetery, the vampire was alerted by painless growls. He snorted and opted for the common entrance like a normal person. Instead of jumping over the wall, supernaturally.
"Where have you been?" Benjamim sublimated at the gate of the enclosure destined for the dead.
"An unforeseen event..." Orsmund shrugged his shoulders dismissively.
"Come! They already found him!" The two lightened up for the confusion.
And what a mess. A whole scene in an uproar. A vast riot in disarray and disturbing in the eyes of the most innocent. A riot of upheaval. Grerft was at the center of a space constrained by atrocity. Surrounded by hunters and lifeless bodies lying at his feet. The casualties that occurred were not an aggravating factor. The demon that men attacked, split, partially, in a semblance between human and monster, had a bloodied bare torso. Also, by blood itself. Furthermore, they cut off one of his arms with the help of sharp sickles. At the edge of vulnerability, the creature staggered.
"Orsmund!" Grerft begged him for help.
A grueling surge of overload brutally shook theyounger vampire's insides. Orsmund bared his claws and fangs with a low,menacing noise. The fighters were surprised by all the revelations. They feltrevolt at having been deceived. Before giving them time to react to thebetrayal, Orsmund moved gloriously in front of Grerft who was dumbfounded. Theoffspring pressed its fingers against its parent's chest. As he did so, heheard a snarl on the breeze. Harmand positioned himself in a bent posture onhis heels. Without fear, Grerft's heart was ripped out. Orsmund tore it withhis own teeth and threw it into the torches of his helpful servants. A sharppain ripped through the two vampires present. Being that the most faithfulhowled at the loss.

ParanormalThis story tells the life of a Viking warrior. His name is Orsmund and everything changes on a sea voyage. After being attacked by a demonic creature and watching the death of two of his children, he discovers that he is no longer human. He then fin...