"Blood is origin." Whispered after ordering all the concepts. "Rugui! I have a question! I'm a property of my creator. What else can it benefit him against me?"
"Grerft." She dictated the name, grimly. "He has a vague idea of your location."
"Therefore, he has access..."
"No." She cut him off. "Distance influences. He has a kind of feeling about where you're staying. If his goal is to find you. And, of course, if you still wander in this world."
"Would he know if I died?"
"Yes. It would have an internal impact. And this also happens in reverse."
"May I know where he is?" He was intrigued.
"You'd have to summon him. Something like begging. In that case he would be free to reveal his location to you, or not. It is inevitable that you, as you believe, also suffer the shock of his death. Or feel a strange comfort when he's around. This he will not be able to hide from you!"
"And between brothers?"
"There is no connection in comparison. There is nothing... Unless you are aware of a slight attraction that is hardly noticeable. Perhaps like a magnet..."
"And there is the common link with the creator." Ended Orsmund, realizing the non-existent link with his brother Harmand.
The early hours of the night had passed. Orsmund had learned, from a slave, that that dawn would not have Rugui's presence. For this very reason he prepared for a search for new plans. He watched the fatigued displacement of the last workers leaving the site. As desired, he received the comforting night silence. Among these men beaten down by hard work, a long, silky mane of hair stood out in the vampire's eyes. A young girl walked in the opposite direction of the subjugated workers. In the direction of its structure. With the chin up and in a confident step. Her body moved to the rhythm of a sweet melody. She danced for him. It came from varied colorful clothes and with few accessories. A small nose ring and two wrist and ankle bracelets. Intrigued, he remained motionless, hiding his curiosity. A few feet away where her eyesight would have been in excellent range, she stopped. She carefully analyzed the landscape. The vampire concluded with all certainty that she was looking for him. However, he chose to linger on studying her body. Tall, but not too slender. The extensive hairline undulations sparked the colors of chocolate and caramel. Her huge, round eyes gleamed like two jasper stones. A small round nose. Full lips as pink as rhodochrosite. Her skin color was as light as fire agate. The slender and wide neck. He lingered in her indiscreet admiration when she spotted him. As they passed each other, she flashed him a sly smile. Such a gesture that encouraged him to invite her. After entering, still without introducing themselves, with her back to him, she watched the unfinished details with false interest.
"There's a rumor..." Orsmund was aware of her words. One of his skills was to learn quickly. Therefore, he would answer her in the same language.
"And what would that rumor be?"
"A demon!" She emitted an innocent laugh. A sound pleasant to the Viking's ears. "And I end up watching a foreigner with new ideologies that camouflages his own accent."
"And are my ideologies that define me as a demon?" Orsmund had not been able to hide his ironic laughter.
"Perhaps. Maybe the population here doesn't know how to deal with changes. Which leads them to create exuberant rumors."
"Or... they could have been based on the truth..." He teased.
"Oh yeah?" She suddenly imitated an expression of shock. "Do you want to see that here is the origin, the food of the stunned uproar? What is the reason? An exotic essence?"
"No, I'm not wasting my time feeding rumors. I have no reason to. Exotic essence? Why not?" He joked.
"I know through those who travel, how different the world can be. I refer especially to the time zone. That's why you don't come out in daylight. You come from a region where when the sun sets, it rises here. It is a pity." She shook her head. "Just today I wanted to change. I was even willing to offer my services to a demon."
"Is the name as bold as the attitude?"
"Lendyhi!" She extended her hand.
"Orsmund!" He lowered his head, wrapped her fingers around his hands and exhaled, deeply, the radial recurrent artery. He was self-aware of his facial alteration, so he looked under the lashes. With her other hand, Lendyhi smothered her mouth. However, she didn't give in to the warning instincts. She didn't even back off or try to free herself. She remained flabbergasted as she watched the reddened irises and dark circles under his eyes return to normal. The vampire straightened up when that happened.
"What can I say?" She questioned, rhetorically, when she realized Orsmund was waiting for an answer. "I found the man with the most fortifying exotic essence."
"Demon!" Contradicted.
"Man. Demon. What's the difference?" Lendyhi brought her lips closer to his ear after nibbling the ear. "Show me more!"
Orsmund could not help but respond to the defiant behavior. In a predatory smile he revealed his pointed fangs. Immediately, she freed herself from her clothes in an affectionate sigh. She wasn't at all inhibited. On the contrary. He raised her to the height of his torso. With a firm grip on her thighs. She, with her arms braced on his shoulders, stimulated him by pulling at his braided hair. Automatically, he put his head back. With the experience of her craft, she kissed him with fleeting touches where he would have surrendered to her captivating demands.
Lying on the pavement, completely naked with a prostitute dozing on his chest. Orsmund could hardly believe that a woman like herself of good physical and intellectual endowments would choose such a profession. When she could have so much more. He himself had surrendered to her charms. He had given a little demonstration of what he really was. And her relaxed state fascinated him. Now, as she rested, he reveled in the graceful trickle of blood that flowed from her wrist to her forearm after piercing her with his fang. That trait made the skin shinier and smoother. With his tongue, he traced the curve of the arm to the palm of the hand. The vampire with his mouth in a lingering movement over the epidermis delighted in the tingling as the delicate branching veins vibrated at the touch of his moistened lips. The young woman awoke from sleep with a groan generated by the climax of her conqueror's performance.
"Lendyhi." Purred Orsmund.
"What are you doing?" She opened slowly and dragged one eye at a time. She sat deadlocked as she checked the vampire's red mouth and the color of her arm. "What are you doing?" She repeated without insecurity.
"Demon!" He muttered, eyelids relaxed, and an arm flexed over his head.
"Stop playing games. You drank from me!"
"Yes!" He confirmed the exclamation. "I'm a vampire! This is what we do!"
"On your tongue it acquires a new flavor!" She added after leaning over him and testing the taste of the kiss. "It tastes different, but not blood..."
"Maybe there is an infusion in my taste buds. Maybe that makes us addicted..."
"Are you a doctor? Medicine student? Witchcraft?"
"No. I read! I have a lot of free time to feed my curiosity. I don't practice!" He responded to her expression.

ParanormalThis story tells the life of a Viking warrior. His name is Orsmund and everything changes on a sea voyage. After being attacked by a demonic creature and watching the death of two of his children, he discovers that he is no longer human. He then fin...