The sun still warmed the ground in moderation. Orsmund felt it. Signs of his lively conscience that indicated the decay of light. In less than an hour he would be able to rise from the earth. He heard the last rough hammer blows as his muscles flexed. At the same speed as the nervous system was reinvigorated, the dead body came back to life.
Orsmund was about to leave, and his hearing asked him to wait. He walked towards what was calling him. He was guided by a collision of loose stones generated by a trip. A teenage boy would have been lost. He was alone and his body expression was insecure. The fall hurt his leg. His shin had suffered a shallow notch. The vampire inhaled fear. Automatically, he reacted. Absorbed an imaginary flavor. The young man was startled by his presence. The adrenaline that intoxicated his blood made the predator smile. He obeyed the alarming heart rate. The blood pressure rose even more when the boy saw the red eyes. And he tried to get up when the demonic transformation took place. The evil creature genuflected its left leg accompanied by a growl and caught him by the ankle. Disturbed by the inhuman hand, he twitched his eyelids as the terrifying claws scraped against his skin. Even as he resisted not seeing, he couldn't shake the illusory thoughts of being devoured by an unbridled demon grayed by death. The forced resistance was shattered by the deep physical pain that made him scream in exasperation. The vampire's teeth penetrated the region of the gastrocnemius muscle. The malevolent creature tightened its grip as its prey squirmed, violently. It was useless to fight for his life. It had no advantage against a supernatural being. However, his intention was not to bring him to the end of his heartbeat. The boy served him to assure himself of his self-control. Therefore, he retracted the canines, corrected the wound, and abandoned the weakened victim. Proudly, pretentious by his feats, he went on without fretting over the likelihood that the one who had just walked away would be engulfed by the nocturnal animals.
"You look rejuvenated." Rugui spoke when they both caught sight of each other.
"The one you're carrying." Pointed. "Is he one of the Brotherhood's slaves?" He interrogated.
"Yes." She pushed him to the ground. "Let's get started!"
The man appeared to be of a long age. The wrinkled skin matched the unkempt hair and beard. He groaned in regret as his knees collided with the rough pavement.
"I had no difficulty attracting him to my trap." She explained. "You'll have to cut his throat and bathe in his blood. I don't want to involve my scent any more than I already did!"
"What was that?" Alerted. "They're listening to us!"
"Don't be afraid! They are my offspring." She shifted her gaze to a group of females who were keeping a careful distance. "I'm not so negligent to the point of risking myself. I have my defenses. But your task only requires an unknown vampire. You!"
"I have no aversion. I will be careful!"
"Follow that way. On a diagonal path!" She forwarded. "When you have the perception of a very high wall, it means that you step on the limits of the Brotherhood!" Rugui waved to the women who were waiting for her, suggesting that they continue. "Bring her to me, Orsmund!" She fixed him with an anxious look.
Orsmund glanced at the man at his feet and waited for Rugui to walk away. When he confirmed that there was no sign of any other perfume interfering with your task, he raised his index finger. The color on the finger faded and a four-inch pointed nail grew. Sharp enough to cut a human throat. And that's what he did. He grabbed the slave by the scalp and forced him to expose his throat. With both hands, he lifted the inanimate body above his head with the utmost ease. Effortless. In an immobile position he waited for the spill of all the red fluid to permeate his skin like a second outer coating. Psychologically, he was able to resist the intense odor unlike the physical abilities. The organism has undergone marked metamorphosis. An abominable conversion. What a mutant bat. He flung the corpse and propelled himself at an amazing speed allowing the moon to illuminate his passage.
The meters crossed took him to the great wall. Five times his size, the size didn't bother him. He backed up with his right leg and bent both knees, superficially. He dropped his left knee and pushed his foot in for a flamboyant leap that caused a superb landing. Within seconds he listened for warning signs. Only an icy breeze informed him of the scents present. With this invitation, Orsmund rummaged through the one Rugui had named. He advanced to the building, aware of any threats. He didn't take long to look at it. Well, he had an extremely important order to carry out. It was hard to believe that they ignored him like that. He himself would be suspicious if someone came to walk through his territory washed in fresh blood. He walked to a limited opening that led to a staircase. In this transitory passage he exchanged moonlight for flaming light. The flames from the torches whispered in his ear. His trail was drawn. On Rugui's advice he began by disregarding the circumstances. He despised the compartments he visited and set out to continue to climb.
Finally, he felt it. A salty taste had penetrated his palate. Orsmund knew it was not the blood he carried with him, but of another nature. A marine origin. Confident that he hadn't found anyone but two mere slaves who didn't even stare at him, he sped after that scent that summoned him. As he explored space, he reflected on not making the same mistakes these brothers had just made. Too much conviction could be harmful if not fatal.
In the end, he barged into the room he intended to reach. A splendid chamber of great dimensions that preserved a supreme throne fit for a pharaoh. However, there they kept a weakened and chained vampire as a permanent prisoner.
"Tahísa." Orsmund whispered gently.
This whisper made her lift her head in acknowledgment of her name. Tahísa was tremendously abused. Her physical appearance showed how weak she was. But that didn't stop her from growling as Orsmund approached her. He watched the chains nailed to her wrists and ankles. It went through her bones. The totally dry wounds that made him feel sorry for. He could not recognize her human features. It was a disfigured creature. More hideous than him. An anemic animal that had been fed by rare drops of blood.

ParanormalThis story tells the life of a Viking warrior. His name is Orsmund and everything changes on a sea voyage. After being attacked by a demonic creature and watching the death of two of his children, he discovers that he is no longer human. He then fin...