Honestly, Orsmund felt ridiculous for not having finished with this man from the start. Now, there was no point crying over spilled milk. Allowing himself no stop, he headed straight for Quimelh's house. As he approached the room, something floating in the air made him speed up faster than possible. He didn't expect to come across that macabre scene after hearing in the distance: "they're next." He roared miserably in frustration. There was blood on the wall. The room was turned around. Objects scattered and broken because they had been thrown carelessly. Quimelh lay naked on the bed in an uncomfortably agonized position. It would be unnecessary to detail the terror that had occurred there and that still occurred. Her husband wore no pants and had jumped on her before the vampire appeared. This one, who had just arrived, witnessed the last violent and involuntary contraction of the human's muscles. Manifested by the spasms of the body that she ended up losing her whole life. Without thinking, in tiny seconds, when the husband approached the door to address the children to finish his massacre, the Viking stopped him. With the branch he had torn off by force, he threw it brutally with the aim of hitting him, mortally. The wooden rod went through his skull and slammed into the wall, supporting the weight of the fresh corpse. Immediately, fluids leaked through the nose, mouth, ears and around the eyes. Cerebrospinal fluid and blood were spilled. The body froze, half bent over, half hanging. Shattered, the vampire looked at Quimelh who lay in a pool of blood. She had been stabbed with deep cuts on her arms as she tried to defend herself, on her chest and neck. It was the blow to the neck that hastened her death in addition to being asphyxiated. And, instead of stopping, her husband violated her, coldly. The Viking was disappointed that he hadn't had the chance to provide him with the proper torture. He cast him that branch, only, to prevent him from taking revenge on his children. And this made him think of the kids. He couldn't allow them to discover this tremendous scenario. He placed himself in front of the other window that gave access to the room where the four little ones slept. Banged his fist, harmlessly, so as not to alarm them. He intended to get them out of there, making sure they didn't go to the other room. It was the girl who woke up first. Orsmund smiled fondly at her, and the little girl smiled back at him, recognizing him. Unlike last night of having shied away from compelling them, this one would be different. Affectionately, he asked her to call the brothers. Between mutterings there they were all awake and a little confused. Orsmund programmed with them about participating in a game. The four brothers were excited about the game and agreed. He eluded them with an explanation that would be quite challenging. The first consisted of reaching the outer door. The winner would receive a delicious surprise. As soon as he clarified the rules, and the girl ran like an arrow. As she opened the door, the vampire noticed that the others had followed her as well. However, as they grouped together, the older boy turned to his parents' room and was undecided and hesitant. And this mixture of emotions was reflected in the behavior of the other brothers. He couldn't make mistakes.
"Come here!" The Viking's voice, strong and authoritative, made them obey, instantly.
He knelt at their height and compelled them to leave them in an absolute trance. He took one of the blankets he'd asked to be brought and wrapped the two eldest in it. So as not to sacrifice them to the wind that was created by his race. He ordered the younger ones to back off so they wouldn't be exposed to the outside during his absence. He picked up the two boys and hurried on. He knew the area slightly. He was aware of a temple that welcomed children. It took 15 minutes for what a person would need 6 hours to walk all the way. 100 meters from the temple he left the kids huddled and bundled up behind the low bushes that would protect them from the night breeze. And he eased up to go get the other two. Together the four of them, Orsmund introduced them to false memories. Then he created a speech for the eldest for when they entered the temple. In the end, he offered each one ample resource for when they needed it. He directed them to proceed and watched them from a distance. As soon as the door opened, he said goodbye to them, mentally. Due to a slight foreboding, the girl looked back.
"Orsmund?" Rugui was surprised.
The vampire had made his final decision. Therefore, as soon as the sun had set, he appeared by surprise. He would be brief.
"The problem is solved!" Commented.
Rugui insisted him to sit down and, annoyed, reported what had happened. The vampire felt him distant. She already anticipated his departure, but not so prematurely. The conversation ended when they were interrupted.
"Orsmund!" The voice hummed with joy.
" Lendyhi?" He got up and recoiled in astonishment. He looked at her, succinctly, and growled at Rugui. "Did you transform her?"
"Actually, it was me!" Tahísa entered the old hall with feline steps. "She is mine!" And caressed the face of Lendyhi who responded with a low purr. "You have something against it, do you?"
"I promised I'd protect her!" He protested with a hoarse hiss.
"It's all right!" Lendyhi placed herself between Tahísa and Orsmund and held both fists of what he considered to be a true friend. "They didn't cause me any harm!"
"They turned you into a demon." He whispered in her ear.
"We don't force her!" Interposed Rugui.
"I like what I am even more!" Lendyhi gave him one of her new scathing smiles.
"How can I be sure you didn't force her to give in?" Pointed.
"After we become what we are, our subconscious is reborn, and we remember everything we were forced to do." Explained Rugui. "If you had been compelled, you would have remembered. As if your mind is freed from invisible chains."
"She can confirm." Tahísa indicated with a wave.
"They didn't force me to do anything!" Ratified Lendyhi.
"Ok!" Snorted Orsmund. With the palm of his hand on his forehead he brought it down over his eyes as if to shake off his tiredness and fixed his gaze on the three of them. "I'm leaving! I came here to say goodbye! I wasn't expecting this at all..." He raised his arm to the younger vampire. "I feel like I've been here long enough and it's time to go! However, it is not a final goodbye!" Smiled at the older vampires who raised the corner of their mouths. He knew he could count on them. After all, he belonged to the clan.
Rugui and Tahísa nodded silently at his choice. There was respect among all. Lendyhi approached, slowly, and laced her fingers with his. She reached up and kissed him on the cheek.
"Farewell, Orsmund!"
In the end, the fearless vampire returned to the one he hated the most - Grerft.

ParanormalThis story tells the life of a Viking warrior. His name is Orsmund and everything changes on a sea voyage. After being attacked by a demonic creature and watching the death of two of his children, he discovers that he is no longer human. He then fin...