Enveloped by last night, Orsmund awoke with an atrocious urge to hunt. Thirsty for pleasure, he chose to track down a new victim. On the outskirts of Fragqua a woman was arguing with her drunken husband. Resisting the urge building inside him, he watched them.
"In all these years, is this what I deal with?"
"Oh, please, love!" He staggered to lift her skirts.
"Repeat and I swear I'll rip your finger off!"
This one ignored the threat and lunged, again, groped her. She, seething with anger, stomped in, and brought with her a bucket full of icy water which she aggressively dumped on him. Then she threw the bucket at him. She turned her back and slammed the door, ignoring the fact that he had slipped and remained lying because he had hit his head. At this moment, Orsmund approached and bent over the inert body with legs apart. He pulled him by the collar. He sniffed the blood, a little sweet tainted by the amount of alcohol ingested. The man's eyes narrowed without concern until they widened as the silver light fell on a misshapen, monstrous face. Before he screamed, his throat had been violently ripped open. What had driven him to slaughter him so greedily was a wave of unseen force sweeping him along. This supernatural power did not respect him when he took possession of the victim. No, completely satisfied, he gave in to the call. He had no idea where the bonds were directing him. It followed an unknown path. When he got close to a cliff where salt water splashed, he smelled a familiar odor in that environment.
"Grerft!" He growled.
The creator was slightly leaning over a rock. Amused, he stared at his fingers. The index and middle fingers moistened by the fluid that oozed from the bowels of a middle-aged individual. Beside him lay a younger woman half-naked. In the center of her chest several superficial cuts were made. She was frozen and unconscious. The small vestiges of life resisted abandoning her.
"Taste that!"
Grerft's air gesture encompassed the female body. Orsmund did not move. He did not have the luxury of obeying him. Seeing that his offspring did not comply with his order, he forced him to kneel with his power and lowered himself with him, menacingly.
"Taste that!" He repeated with more emphasis.
Carried by authority, he overpowered the girl. He bent over, breathed in her scent, and felt an intense pull. He gasped, deeply, in delight. His vision blinded him, and he plunged into the aphrodisiac flavor. The fragrance penetrated his palate and its texture melted on his tongue. He gave himself up to a gentle state of hypnosis. If he concentrated, he might come to believe that the fluid that invaded him would make him think that he could be guided to a place he desired or a person. Even if it didn't exist, really. As he absorbed it he felt in control of a new world. The positive effect transmuted inside him, along with the excess of courage to face anything. That feeling of well-being made him extremely happy. When his veins drained, euphoria shook him. If his heart worked as it did before, he believed his diaphragm would burst. He gave in to the delirium of exaggerated grandeur until his emotions were confused. Pleasure mixed with fear. Panic with excitement. Increased sleep with energy. The alert instinct was not compatible with bodily relaxation. Eventually he felt dry, and the ecstasy faded. Grerft watched as he recovered from the eccentric adventure.
"Extraordinary taste!" Grerft described taking his fingers out of his mouth.
Orsmund remained silent and knelt to look at him sideways. His master strolled comfortably, relaxed across the uncertain ground at the edge of the rocky cliff. In a reserved movement he located with the aid of his sense of smell the atmosphere he was encountering. Apart from those who were there, he did not detect any other presence. It didn't seem to him, through Grerft's scent, that he and Harmand had recently met.
"I haven't seen him for a few weeks." The link between the two unraveled it. "Which doesn't mean that there is no communication." He jumped on Orsmund. "What are you up to?"
For a few seconds, fear rippled through him. Benefiting from his abilities reflected a similar tranquility. Fortunately, in that minute, he thwarted Grerft from wanting to deepen his doubts. She had known the hard way that he could absorb his thoughts through his own blood if he ingested him.
"You're too calm for my favor!" He continued. "I will assume that it resulted from the food you consumed. Magnificent!" He groaned. "A splendid harvest from my flock! Don't you share the same opinion?"
"Is that what you fight for?" He resigned.
"And it's not enough?" He raised both hands. "Where else could you find this quality? If you know, then tell me!"
"Is that why you're going to sacrifice me?"
"Regretted? Now do you value your... immortality? Or are you afraid to die?" The laughter produced haunted the echo.
"I'm not afraid to die!" He inclined his head to the relaxed sky.
"We are vile creatures. We have no redemption!" He spoke without any remorse.
"We have different beliefs!" Added Orsmund. "Why did you call me?" He was bored with that conversation.
"To tell you to take advantage of what little you have left of this life that you think is miserable."
"When?" His voice hoarse. He knew that if he didn't fight back, he'd never get to kill him.
"A few months... As you can see, we are on a good path." He pointed at the bloodless bodies. "Harmand managed to bring me these two without anyone noticing. However, he will have to stay away so that they don't get suspicious."
"So, everything is well planned, I hope!" He raised his brow. He considered that he could tell him the stratagem. A strategy to be able to attack him.
"Harmand has been trading with the other vampire, Viktar. My son is very talented!" He named him quite proudly.
"And is he trustworthy? That vampire? Will he not take vengeance against you to seize your throne entirely?"
Grerft's head fell back as his body shook. The echo was haunted again by a laugh that was not entirely human.
"Only if I let myself stay! It is obvious that I will not share my territory! It's mine!" He growled and came back to himself in an instant. !Maybe it's my fault that I don't want to create descendants because I don't tend to destroy you. Compared to Viktar who despises his lineage. He has been creating it over the centuries and wiping it out! So far, he maintains his five followers. That's what he calls them. Five vampires almost as old as he was."
"What do you plan?" He had little interest in the characteristics of enemies.
"My land is all of it, tunnels. Built under my orders. It was where we stayed during the day. Harmand has assured me that those who pollute my flock are not aware of the underground constructions I have placed there. Which is a plus for us. Therefore, I am aware of the passages, entrances and exits. Viktar took responsibility for raising and training our fighters. He will gladly sacrifice the group. You will belong to his front line!" He said in a tone of order. Orsmund knew that if he didn't step in, he would obey him without restrictions. "The front will be our distraction!"
A moment later, without further comment, Grerft perched and flung himself into the abyss. Beings like him ruled out the possible deadly factors. The Viking felt free from the tension that held him to the ground. Which meant he was completely alone on that cliff. Free from previous submission. He ignored the icy bodies that, oddly enough, shimmered a little with the contact of the early morning dew. And he left with his month's deadline in mind.

ParanormalThis story tells the life of a Viking warrior. His name is Orsmund and everything changes on a sea voyage. After being attacked by a demonic creature and watching the death of two of his children, he discovers that he is no longer human. He then fin...