Orsmund was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed. One leg was bent backwards, serving as a counterweight to balance the body. He remained waiting.
"What are you doing there?" Asked Tahísa who appeared accompanied by Rugui.
"I finished." He replied, monotonously.
"Is it finished?" Rugui got excited. "I need to see!" She clapped her hands excitedly.
Orsmund inclined his head approvingly. Rugui took Tahísa's hand, and they moved together towards the interior with Orsmund following.
"It's beautiful!" Admired Rugui.
"You finished it in such a short time..." Tahísa's mouth dropped open.
"Most of the work was built by me. As you know, I was already here a few nights before we met. I spent my time here. The slaves only had the main function of transporting me the materials here." He explained. "I only found the fun after we met." He joked.
"What made you fall in love with this art?" Asked Tahísa after waking up from the trance of all that beauty.
"I spend my time wandering through libraries. It was the books that taught me..."
"I don't know..." Rugui muttered. "It lacks... Music." She looked towards Orsmund. "It needs music. It is wonderfully beautiful to be deprived of the needy silence."
"It and me." Tahísa interjected. "Oh, Orsmund, could you give us an hour here... And you, Rugui, could play that Oud for me! Remembering our old adventures from other continents..."
"I remembered something..." Interrupted the Viking. "I will not say! I'll make it a surprise! Tomorrow night! Rugui, can you bring the instrument?" He programmed.
"You activated my curiosity!" She exclaimed.
The two vampires strolled around the building some more. They appreciated every detail before saying goodbye. They even seduced Orsmund by coveting what he was hiding. An entirely failed attempt.
When they left, and what he had before dawn, he surveyed outer space. He tracked down the deteriorated traces left by Lendyhi. And confident of the path to choose, he went out to meet her. Its route ended in a more populated area. Her perfume, more concentrated and abundant, took him to a room in a brothel. Two girls who were there keeping each other company as soon as they saw him invited him enthusiastically. Upon entering he gave them a complimentary look which encouraged them even more. However, he was determined to ignore them. He eluded them and crept into the premises chasing the scent that called to him. He came across a four-poster bed that supported the mosquito net. Through it, it was possible to hear the constant breathing. Also, how the couple was entwined in nudity. Without any constraints, Orsmund walked forward. With one hand he deflected the exquisite net and bent to kiss Lendyhi's forehead thoughtfully. She wrinkled her forehead and, with his face still close to hers, he smiled at her with pleasure when she woke up. Quickly, he brought his hand to her mouth to muffle her own scream. Hastily, she got out of bed. She dressed in one movement and, abruptly, grabbed Orsmund's arm to get him out of the room. She didn't want to draw anyone's attention.
"What made you act like this?" She was grumpy. "So? Answer me!" She tapped her foot. "What's the joke?"
"I need you!" He kept the radiant smile.
"Are you trying to convince me? Stop that silly face! Today I'm not in the mood for tolerances! As you can see, I was busy!"
"Must be one of the important ones." He added.
"Yes. So, get out of here!" She leaned over.
"I need you tomorrow." He winked. "Or someone..."
"Say at once what you want!" She managed not to raise her voice.
"You know dance?"
"Of course, I know!"
"Oh. It's just that if you didn't know, I would need a dancer..."
"Go on!" She tapped her foot again.
"All right!" He laughed. "I finished my work!"
"Congratulations." She said harshly.
"Don't interrupt me if you want me to continue." He mocked with her fury. To which she pointed at him with a grimace. "I want to do an opening for two special friends."
"Are they like you?" Her body was free of all tension.
"Yes. But don't worry! They won't put you in danger! I won't let anything bad happen to you!"
"I'm not worried." She wrapped her shoulders more.
"As soon as it gets dark, I need you to come. We will be there waiting for you. You can tell me your price. I'll pay whatever it takes!"
"You can be sure it will be an excessive amount!" She criticized. "I should impose other expenses on you for almost doing me damages tonight!" She stretched her index finger.
"Oh, I almost forgot." He said after kissing her finger, that in contrast, she withdrew it with lack of delicacy. "It doesn't matter what you want to wear. I only ask that you dress in red. Can be?"
"Hmm." She pronounced it indifferently.
"Do we have a deal?" He glowed seductively.
"Yes!" She waved.
"Appreciate!" He leaned over her and kissed the top of her head.
Lendyhi pushed him away because he decided to touch her without decorum. And to block his advances she ran back to the bedroom.
On his way to the exit, Orsmund was nimbly stopped by the two girls who had previously let him pass. Not wanting to resist, he gave in to their demands. He allowed them to take him to one of the unoccupied rooms. They were fascinated by his lighter skin tone. One of them dared to undo her braid and ran her fingers through her long blond hair as if she regularly combed it. Without them realizing it, when his lips contacted their necks, they thought he was kissing them with greed and fervor. Which in practice was not what was happening. In fact, the vampire bit them to quench his thirst. At the same time, he licked their skin so as not to make a fuss. His saliva contained an anticoagulant substance. The process of stopping the blood was essential. A simple and unobtrusive method. Also not forgetting that it covered another key element: saliva also acted as an analgesic. Eliminated the sensitivity of pain in the face of the bite. With the successive bites, the two began to feel a little dizzy. Unexpectedly, they fell asleep from exhaustion from the gradual loss of blood. In the morning they would wake up thinking it would have been a surprisingly supernatural adventure.

ParanormalThis story tells the life of a Viking warrior. His name is Orsmund and everything changes on a sea voyage. After being attacked by a demonic creature and watching the death of two of his children, he discovers that he is no longer human. He then fin...