life of the party

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i'm not writing the angsty one right now so don't be scared of this one loooool

also all of the spelling mistakes when rosie is speaking are intentional so just keep that in mind :D

in the almost decade i've known rosie i can count on one hand the amount of times i've seen her drunk. she has the occasional drink when we go out with our friends but she never has enough to even approach being drunk. she's told me she just doesn't like being out of control of herself so she only lets herself go when she knows she's around at least one person who will look after her, which i think is completely smart. these days that person is me. we've been dating for about two years now and the only times she lets herself drink too much is when i'm with her. usually at home where it doesn't matter what she does. i don't mind it, i actually think she's funny when she gets drunk. her face turns bright red, her words start to slur just a little, she gets very affectionate. it's cute, i kind of wish i could see it more.

i get my wish when she gets promoted and our friends force us out for drinks at a club to celebrate. as she's the lucky girl with the new job, she keeps getting handed drink after drink from our friends and it gets to the point where she's probably the drunkest she's ever been. all her inhibitions left, straight out the door, and now she's flailing around like she's the only one in the room. her best friend jennie dragged her off to the dance floor about ten minutes ago but, being the one designated to not get wasted, i stayed behind at the table with lisa and jisoo who, quote, "aren't drunk enough for that shit yet". i'm happy to just sit and watch rosie have fun, anyway, i've never been the type to party much. just seeing rosie smile brightly and giggle as she swings around with jennie is fun enough for me.

that is until two random guys approach them and very obviously start flirting with them. as she's single, jennie entertains the guy chatting with her but i feel a rush of pride when rosie looks very uninterested in the other. the pride isn't enough to cut through the jealousy, though, so i let jisoo and lisa know where i'm going before heading over to rosie. as i'm approaching i catch the tail end of what the guy is saying.

"...look really pretty tonight," he says. "can i buy you a drink?"

"nooo, i'm h-here withmgirlfriend," rosie slurs, giggling at herself after.


"girlfriend," i interrupt, sliding an arm around rosie's waist. she turns to face me and breaks out into a huge grin, throwing her arms around me. i smile fondly at her before turning back to the man and nod politely. "hi, girlfriend here, nice to meet you."

a look of disappointment flashes across the mans face but, surprisingly, he quickly covers it up with a polite smile.

"nice to meet you, too," he says. "sorry, i didn't realize she was taken."

"no worries. if you're interested, though, there are two girls at our table over there who are single and very much ready to mingle."

the guy laughs heartily at that, thanking me as he appraises lisa and jisoo. i see him lean over and whisper something to his friend but i quickly turn my attention back to rosie who's taken to whining at me to look at her.

"you've gotta stop being so damn pretty or someone's gonna try and steal you from me," i say. rosie immediately shakes her head, a cute pout on her red lips.

"imyours," she mumbles.

i grin. "i know you are, baby, but nobody else does."

i laugh when a very serious expression takes over her face before she breaks out into another huge smile.

"i'll shhhow them all!" she says excitedly. before i can question what she means, she rushes over to the small stage where the d.j is and gets the mic from him after whispering something.

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