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Nightmare explored this new place he found himself in. He got that this couldn't be his world right off the bat. It's like he had an internal clock inside of him that told him that this wasn't where he belonged.

The internal clock told himself another thing, that there were people here and they were happy. They were hopeful and filled with joy. It made him woozy, the mix of this new power and the emotions going against his very being left him faint.

So Nightmare embarrassingly enough was leaned against a random tree when someone found him.

"You aren't supposed to be here yet," they weren't angry, more curious if anything, "do you want help?"

"I'm not in any position to say no." The individual offered a hand and helped Nightmare into a portal of sorts.

They were stood in a forest, and the stars were on fire. They made the sky glow with an intensity that Nightmare had never seen before. The sky was a purple fire.

"You're are currently a few years before schedule." The figure concluded.

"Can you elaborate on what you mean?" Nightmare honestly didn't have anything better to say. They laughed at his clear lack of knowledge.

"Sorry sorry, I forgot to explain anything at all. I'm Ink! And your..." He looked at Nightmare hard, "Nightmare, right?"

"I'm Nightmare, have we met before?" Ink sat down on the ground, with total disregard for the condition of his clothes and the dirt that would obviously get on them.

"I haven't met you before, I just," He circled his hands around each other while he thought of the proper wording, "I like to stay in the loop."

Nightmare had nothing to lose really, so he sat on a patch of soft grass. It was rather pleasant actually. The vibes of this new place were just really nice. If this stranger wasn't ahead of Night he might have allowed himself to just bask in the beauty of the place.

"And I'm part of this loop?" The other man nodded, ecstatic.

"You're a important part of the loop," Ink flopped back like he was the most comfortable man in the universe, "and it's my whole purpose to be in the loop."

'What a dramatic way to say that you want to be in the know!' Nightmare thought, but what he really said was-

"And how do I hold importance in your loop?" Ink turned to look at Nightmare, rested his face on his fist and grinned. Like he was in on a joke that Nightmare didn't get.

"Aren't you a god of emotion Night, can I call you Night? It suits you better than Nightmare! So wordy and negative sounding!" Nightmare cringed.

"No you may not call me Night, and I am a god of emotion."

"You're no fun!" Only Ink laughed, "But you have your answer now. You're a god." Nightmare already knew that.


It would be convenient to say that was the one and only time Nightmare met Ink, but in truth it seemed that every time he'd have the gall to go to where the sky burned purple (which he learned was charmingly called Outertale) Ink seemed to find him.

"I don't appreciate the pity Ink."


"You heard me." Ink looked nervous under Nightmares annoyed gaze.

"It's not pity-"

"I'm a god of emotions, you said it yourself. I'm more aware of your pity than you are."

"Well your a crappy god of emotions then." Ink muttered

"How am I a crappy god of emotions." That was a demand if Ink had ever heard one.

"You should know there's more to me being here than that."

"These things are always more complex then just surface level emotions, but your strongest emotion towards me is pity." Ink looked ready to interrupt until Nightmare glared at him, "Leave."

Ink was very aware of how unwanted he was. He also knew that he was needed though. So he stood his ground.

"Go on, I don't want you."

"And what? Leave you without anyone? Is that what you really want Nightmare? Have you really thought this through past the initial joy of my departure? Have you thought about how you have no home and no people? Because I have. I've thought about it a lot actually! So no. I will not be leaving."

Nightmare was dumbfounded. What a
insolent choice. It somewhat made Nightmare respect Ink. Not only was he willing to bring up subjects like that to Nightmares face, he didn't flee afterwards. There was no hatred in Ink's choice either, which was a first for Night.

For a change Nightmare burst out laughing and Ink was a silent ball of jumpy nerves.

"I guess it's my turn to apologize Ink. I thought you had less caring bones in you." Ink relaxed and smiled back.

"So, are we friends then?" He held out his hand for a handshake and Night gently pushed it to the side while grinning.

"Not even a chance Ink,"


This takes place before Olenader for now, when we reach the start of Olenader I will mention it.

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