Dream Creator (pt 1)

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Dream sighed for the eighth time in a row. Blue liked to think he was patient, incredibly patient, but he was getting sort of tired of it.

He had gone to Ink and Dreams house to get away from a fight with his brother. It wasn't a huge deal, he'd go home and admit it was silly later. It did mean he came with an already short fuse and Dreams melodramatics were rubbing against him wrong.

Blue was lying on the floor trying to read one of Inks comic books. Dream was staring out the window from the comfort of the couch. Ink was unfortunately out. Probably fighting Error again. Which good riddance! Maybe it was Blues bad mood making him a grump but he wished he was with Ink fighting instead of with Dream. Not that Ink ever let him go with him.

"What's wrong with you?" It was snappy, especially for Blue. Dream certainly knew Blue was in a bad mood. Why was Dream being so annoying???

"I just don't feel the best," it was a frustratingly vague answer. One where Dream clearly wanted Blue to ask for more details instead of just saying what he wanted in the first place?

"Why are you being like this?" Blue took a deep breath, then added, gentler, "what do you want to talk about,"

Blue folded the corner of the page he was on and set it on the floor next to him. He also sat up to properly look at Dream, trying to calm down properly. He wanted to be a good friend, it just was a hard time to be that.

"I'm thinking about my brother again," it was always that. Dream only had one thing that tormented him, it was Nightmare Nightmare Nightmare. Blue sometimes thinks Inks memory issues are the only reason he can live with Dream.

"What about him."

"Its close to a late spring holiday from our universe. It was actually a dedication to our creator, not in the way Ink means, me and Nights creator specifically. A goddess who came before us, she died to create us," Okay Blues previous thoughts were really really mean. Dream was a good guy and Blue was having a grumpy moment, "I think it was Nights favorite holiday. It was the only one he really seemed to like even a little bit,"

"He didn't like holidays?"

"He probably still doesn't! He was always such a stick in the mud!"

"That's sad,"

"I always thought so too. He would make a big deal about this one though. Maybe because it was the only holiday that wasn't about us. He hated attention a lot,"

"Both of you?" Blue had been called naive a lot. Including to his face. He always tried to see the best in people, maybe it was Error that tipped him more towards suspension. Being kidnapped and basically 'white room tortured' (Undynes words, not his) by someone who you were trying to help against the odds effects you. Blue tried to stand tall in defiance of it, but sometimes he worried it made him less able to see the good in people. Even people he had no evidence were evil.

Well okay Ink did make it sound like maybe the villagesfolk were less kind then Dream had led Blue to believe. But Ink had been wrong plenty.

Blue realized he paused for an awkward amount of time, "I guess I always thought from your stories Night really didn't have holidays for him,"

"Of course Nightmare had holidays for him. Every holiday was about us both,"

"Even though he's in charge of sadness?"

"Yes. We shared everything. Even our birthday," normally Blue wouldn't argue with Dream. He's just let him stay in the fantasy version of the world he lived in. One where only one terrible thing happened to you and now he got to mope, and cry out for adoration, and be loved by everyone else he met except for his brother. Who hated him for living in that fantasy land.

Yes Blue would be heartbroken in the same situation. But Blue also has bad things happen to him! Blue didn't bring up that he was kidnapped constantly for empathy. Ink didn't mention that he tore out his own dang soul! The queen didn't talk about dead children and divorce for attention.

Normal people didn't act like Dream. They didn't ignore other people while pretending they were the only one hurt. Especially when they had magic that ran off of empathy!

"Ink told me about how your birthday worked. Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't all the prayers about you? He said Night normally sat at the side and wasn't allowed to participate. Ink said Night told him that it wasn't about him, when he wasn't even trying to explain that. That he was trying to explain how your traditions worked. Ink said he only knows that because he was being noisy!"

Dream was speechless. He was probably too used to Blue being patient with him. But Blue was tired of being patient with Dream. He couldn't help but feel a little resentment at the way Dream tried to cut Blue out of Inks life even though Blue had been there far longer. He hated how during that period Dream would sometimes talk about Blue like he wasn't there.

Blue really didn't like how much Dream needed attention all the time. Especially when someone else around him was already emotional.

"I'm sure Nightmare would love to tell me about these fair and even holidays that happened. I could go ask him now," Blue rose like he was going to blink to Nightmare. He couldn't actually blink somewhere he hadn't been, and Dream knew that.

But the idea of him doing so was scary enough to Dream that he caught Blue by the wrist.

"Please don't," Tears were welling up in Dreams eyes. Guilt poured over Blue like a waterfall. He hasn't meant to cut that deep.

"I won't actually. I shouldn't have said I was going to. I'm sorry,"

"No it's okay," Dream used his spare wrist to wipe at his eyes, "You're right. I don't know why I was insisting you weren't. Celebrations were never fair and even,"

Blue hugged Dream tightly.

"I should have been nicer," Dream laughed half heartedly.

"You've been very nice Blue. Besides I've fought way worse with Ink,"

"Want to tell me about it while we make a cake?"

"As long as you don't set the kitchen on fire again,"


Blue can be a bit of a bitch. As a treat.

Also this was gonna cut to Nightmare and him talking with his bros about an ideal that was gonna explain a lot about Dreams viewpoint on Nightmares treatment (I mean hopefully it will) but then this part hit a thousand words. So that's gonna be it's own separate chapter that will be coming next!

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