But Nobody Came

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Trigger warning for this chapter: character death, vomit, and unusual cruelty.

There is a summary at the end of the chapter if you need to skip:


Inks au didn't have a human. This is a material fact. There was no Frisk or Chara or human. He checked to make sure a lot recently. Maybe he was paranoid, his paints not working properly. Maybe he was just under to much stress and he needed a break. He couldn't take one though, the creators were already angry. He didn't need to make that worse.

He worked really hard not to make them mad. He wasn't doing well. They hated him. They whispered of his rejection of Dream. How they were made to be best friends.

How Ink gave up his family up for Night.

It hurt, like a stabbing in your stomach. Like dread, but worse. It burned his eyes and tightened his chest. The knowledge he rejected his place in the universe in favor of his vain attempts at joy.

It hurt the creators too. They wailed about his purpose. How he has failed them. How can he be their champion if he doesn't ever expect their input? How he ever be their favorite character that way?

The simple answer is that he wouldn't. See their wails turned to screams. Their begs to demands, and recently threats. They must have bluffing. They couldn't fix him to be their perfect character. There was no human in *****tale, no one with powers to weaponize.

That didn't keep them from freaking him out with their threats and bluffs. Because sometimes they could really do what they said. Like kill Nightmare.

Bile rose in Ink's throat and paint ended up on his clothes. His paint really was running out fast these days.

A new wave of whispers reached him. Some apologizing, some gleeful, but they all communicated the same idea,

Ink was going to be completely reset.

He didn't want to go back in the void, he didn't want to be back to square one. He liked himself, he loved his life, he just needed another chance-

He wasn't going to get another chance.

He screamed, at first for himself and then for everyone else. He screamed for Nightmare to come save him, for Core to come help, for the creators mercy, for any help at all.

He got whispers back about how Nightmare would be left alone, how Core would be fine they'd enjoy their birthday party, and how he brought this on himself.

I can tell you one thing, Ink was pathetic in his last seconds. Quivering and begging as tears ran down his face. Oh well, time to start again.

Summery: Ink gets completely reset by the creators. He's told his friends will live on, and a creator calls Ink pathetic and speaks about starting again with him.


The human in *****tale was a Creator :)

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