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Core came to visit again, this time not bearing invites and joy though. This time they brought news. They held themself confident enough for an eleven year old bringing the news of death, but Nightmare could tell from the tremble of their hands and the stutter in their voice that they weren't taking it well either.

Ink was Nightmares best friend. Was. Nightmare wasn't gonna get to see him again. They weren't going to see the stars together. Nightmare would never talk with Ink again.

It was horrible.

Core must of picked up on it because they attempted to mumble their goodbyes, Nightmare stopped them though.

"Ink was your friend as well." So they went to Outertale and they talked. Trading stories back and forth.

"When I met Ink officially he saved my life." Core turned their head up towards the sky and the breeze, "I was trying to save people from Error and I had gotten caught by him. Ink saved my life. I think he had a scar on his side from it, I helped dress it and it sure looked like it was bound to scar."

"Officially met him?"

"I knew who he was. I kinda saw him as my ally before we have even talked. I have a tendency to get attached to people before I actually meet them."

"That happened with Ink?"

"It did. He was very interesting, and kind. I really wanted to be his friend and then he saved me, and I wanted to be his friend even more."

"He is the type of person you can just long to be around from second hand encounters... but I always got the impression he was lonely." Nightmare always knew Ink wanted more, but didn't make a big deal about it.

"He was. He'd talk to himself out loud when he was alone." Nightmare laughed.

"Did he truly?"

"He did! It was funny sometimes. Other times it was sad."

They quieted, realizing their loss all over again.

Core stood up,

"I would like to stay but Cross wants my attention."

"Why would Cross need your attention?"

"He's my friend, and he lives in the Omega Timeline so it could be a variety of reasons," Core paused to listen, "nevermind, he wants me to play a board game with him. He really doesn't want me alone. Because- well you know why. I don't want to worry him though."

Core waved their goodbye and disappeared.


When Nightmare was in his home again, Horror greeted him. He didn't know. Nightmare brushed past him to his own room. Locking the door.

He was going to be inconsolable for quite a while. Not that the others didn't try, there were multiple knocks through out the night. Nightmare nearly even opened it a few times but did not. He was to shaky and couldn't hold the  concentration to keep his magic form solid, he couldn't handle people, and he was afraid. Afraid of what he'd do. The last time he was this deep in his own despair a whole village was murdered and burnt down.

How could Nightmare expect help if he could not handle the help.

He sobbed into his pillow. He couldn't keep it in. He couldn't have control. He was questioning why he existed once again. Not in a moral way this time, in a questioning way. Night must have fallen asleep like that, questioning and crying.

That's why in the morning there were tears and snot dried on Nightmares face. That's why when Horror pounded on the door he didn't think to do more than swing the door open. Not even shift.

"You should leave." Horrors eyes widened at the sight of his roommate.


"Don't make me repeat myself."

"Woah, calm down I just came here to let you know that breakfast is done." Horror stared at Night like a specimen in a cage, "The others are still in bed if you'd like to eat now without them."

"Give me time to change." The door shut in Horrors face and it remained that way for quite a bit. Until a person who he was now sure was Nightmare stepped out.

"Horror, I understand that I look strange but I do not appreciate staring."

Horror shrugged and took off to the kitchen with Nightmare in tow. Nightmare sat down at the table, in a different seat then usual. He didn't think about it much but Horror looked at him like he grew an extra head.


"Are you alright?" Nightmare nearly laughed.

"Do I appear to be well?"

"My bad, let me reword it. What happened and why do you look like that?" Nightmare glared, and normally that would worry Horror but he basically looked like a puppy.

"I believe I came out here to eat, not share my life story."

"You can eat and talk."

"If it will get you to leave me be. I look like this because normally I use magic to look how I do-"

"Why aren't you doing that now then?"

"I've lost a dear friend recently." Horror raised his eyebrows

"In what sense?"

"He died." Horror knew now. He knew exactly who too if the look on his face was anything.

"I am so sorry." Horror hugged Nightmare while the man awkwardly sat there with his plate in front of him.

"Thank you for that." Nightmare meant it. It was nice to be hugged, even for a few seconds.

'thats why Ink reacted like that...'

Horror patiently smiled at Nightmare from across the table.

'I should hug my friends more often.'


This chapter is rough. Apologies but I could not figure it out this time.

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