Salt Water

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Nightmare was making breakfast with Dust (Horror was with his brother in his own au) when they were rudely interrupted by Killer dragging a guest into their dinning room.

"-really didn't mean to intrude." Ink was there, unwillingly it seemed. Having been shoved into the room by Killer, "sorry I can leave."

"He wanted to talk to you boss." Killer said at the same time, far louder than Ink.

Dust leaned over curiously but didn't make a comment. Ink was uncomfortable, and Killer was reveling in it. Maybe he just didn't like Ink. Maybe he just liked drama. The mans mind was a mystery.

"Dust, would you mind if I stepped out with Ink?"

"Not at all man, go right ahead I can finish this up." Dust gave Nightmare a thumbs up.

Nightmare headed to his room, with the reasonable assumption that Ink would follow him. Which he didn't seem to pick up until Night was halfway through the hallway.

"If you're sure you want to meet with me." Nightmare shut the door, "I wanted you to know Dreams awake."

"And?" Ink seemed confused,

"...and I met him?"

"You'd obviously have had met him if you know his state of consciousness, I was asking why it concerned me."

"He is your brother, and I didn't like him much. So I wanted you to know that I won't be befriending him behind your back anytime soon. Annddd-" Ink reached into a bag he was carrying with him and pulled out a book, "this is for you. It's different, but I was thinking about a little while back, so I thought maybe you'd like it."

Nightmare accepted the gift and looked at the cover of it. It was a plain looking book, seemingly about types of flowers. He flipped to the table of contents and his suspension was confirmed. It was a nice gesture.

"Sorry... I know it isn't much, and I really need to make less of a habit of showing up at your house whenever I feel like it must be really ann-"

"No I find it quite pleasant. Keep stopping by whenever it pleases you." Ink paused.

"You're fine with it?" Nightmare hummed in approval, "oh. Thank you."

"I thought I already made it clear that you were welcome here?"

"Must of slipped my mind." Ink sat down on the floor with his back to the wall.

"You're allowed to sit on the bed if it would be more comfortable."

"Nah, I'm good down here. Thank you though!"

Their conversation had a lull. Ink having said what he wanted to have to say and Nightmare having nothing of value to add.

At least until Ink changed subjects, in his attempt to escape the silence.

"How did you find out Dream woke up for real?"


"You weren't surprised, did Core tell you or something?"

"I had felt this weird tug of purpose, and I followed it. He was there, awake in our old au. Plain and simple." Ink fiddled with a bracelet he was wearing nervously.

"Did you fight?"

"Not physically no."

"He told me you are evil, and not to be trusted. The creators are whispering about how you might just snap. I'm really worried about you." Nightmare sat down in front of Ink calmly, making eye contact easier.

"I cut ties off with him in a dramatic way is all. I said some cruel stuff in the heat of the moment. I didn't hurt him, he's just mad that I called him out on his fake ignorance."

'yeah right you didn't hurt him. Sure he was the only one to throw a punch, but I hurt him worse.'

"Are you alright Night? Your eyes are getting all watery." Ink wiped one of the tears away.

"I'd rather not talk about this subject."

"Talking will help." Nightmare used his powers for convenience this time. The convenience of the attention Ink so desperately craved. The things he'd want asked from him.

"Why don't you talk about why your so anxious then Ink."

"What do you mean." Ink tried to hold his ground, but the fear soaked his voice like salt water.

"You heard me. Why are you so worried?" This time Nightmare was gentler. The first time he asked it was cruel, a power move, but he was trying to be better than that. He needed to be genuine.

"It's a lot at once and we don't need to talk about it, this is meant to be about you."

"I'll tell you after you tell me."

Ink was quiet. Hiding his face in his hands while he went through a dozen different conflicts and emotions in his head. (Or maybe not in his head per say, he was mumbling to himself.) He must of come to a conclusion though, because he looked up at Night and explained.

"I think I've fallen out of the creators favor. They have been odd recently, asking for my help less and treating me with less favoritism. I know it's utterly stupid but it's left me really lonely and pointless. I fight Error then I stay in my hammock drawing, maybe I visit a few aus if I'm in the mood. I'm so used to more though." He sighed, "I guess I'm worried about what their plans hold for us all."

"It is not stupid. You have every right to be worried. They've basically abandoned you, that's messed up."

"Your turn." Ink didn't have reason to dwell on it.

"I told Dream about how the people of the village tortured me while I was there. He got sad, than mad. We fought, and I feel somewhat guilty for tearing into him so harshly."

"You could apologize to him maybe?"

"I have no want to."

"Why not?"

"I don't ever want to speak to him again." Nightmares eyes may have started to water again.

In fact he may have cried on Ink's shoulder for many reasons that he couldn't put words for. Ink was patient the whole time. They definitely missed breakfast and a few hours after that.

They came to a conclusion though, Ink would stay in the house temporarily until he found out what was going on. That way Nightmare could talk with him and Ink wouldn't be alone.


Anyway comments pspspspsps

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